012 ♕ An Affair To Remember ༄

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A/N: Lucy and Jim go on a "totally not date" Date. :) TW: Brenner and funeral scene. **Comments and votes would be amazing if you're enjoying. Thanks! x

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Fall 1972

Lucy hadn't seen Mia since the birth of Jane Ives. Almost a year.

Hadn't asked about the little girl. Not yet.

She got one phone call with Mia under Brenner's careful supervision. One visit after breakfast.

"Take as long as you need." He kissed her head and handed the phone over. Lucy gripped it with two hands. Felt his eyes on her back.

"Mia... Hi."

"Lucy, I'm incredibly busy here." The clipped tone still chilled. Lucy almost believed it. An ache penetrated through her chest despite the pretending.

"I just...wanted to hear your voice. I'd like to see you. I love you."

"I know."

"Will you see me if I come in to the lab? Please."

"Lucy, I...I really think this is for the better." There was a whimper on the other end from a toddler and then a dial tone. Lucy stared at the treehouse and lowered the phone. Martin crossed with a grave expression and took it.

"Don't take it personally, dear, people move on in life. They have to."

"Some of us linger." Lucy was entranced at the dancing of fall leaves. The light sprinkles of autumn rain. Didn't shudder as Martin kissed her neck. She turned and found his lips. Wondered if maybe she was saving another from his mouth and hands. If Martin was the type.

He never forced Lucy into bed physically. In fact, he backed off whenever she declined or panicked. But, Brenner would certainly find another to play with. Manipulate their clothing off and make them fold it before their hands were clutching at pillows. So, Lucy kissed him with more force. Pulled him into the darkness of her bedroom until release captured them both.

"You've made me proud this year. I feel you're back to your old self again." Martin faced the mirror an hour later to do up his tie.

Lucy held out for a few months after her break and sickness. Cut him off until he came bearing more and more sweet gifts. Jewelry. Latest tech for diabetics. Clothing. Better doctors. Arms that held her closer and closer. It was intoxicating. His care was all she got behind closed doors. Sometimes he dressed her in jewels and satin and laid her down. Unwrapped her like a gift from him to himself.

"The weather was so pretty today." She offered instead. Warm rain still hit the window. Sun illuminated and rainbows crossed. As the sky fell, it all washed away. "I hope it lasts."

"Be good, Lucy." He took that as his cue to go. Kissed behind her ear before he went.

"You too, Martin." Lucy rose when she heard the door downstairs and showered. Hot water couldn't wash such a man from her skin. She finished her routine and went into work. She always brought the paper in for the Crawfords. Handed it to Frank as she passed him going into an office.

"We've a new one to put together this week. Abrupt. For the Hoppers." Beverly was making a pot of coffee in their makeshift break room. Lucy's heel skidded.

"Did you say the Hoppers?" Hands pulled three cups down.

"You didn't hear?" Beverly quietly thanked her and filled them. "Oh, I'm sorry. Walton passed last night. Heart attack."

"Walt. Jim's father...Oh." Lucy sighed more to herself. "And Beatrice?"

"They told me she was confused about it. You know, her memory is starting to really go. Just awful." Beverly picked up two cups while Lucy dressed hers. "Jim already called last night. He's coming down to make arrangements. Should be here within the hour or so."

looking for the magic. // Jim Hopper x OCWhere stories live. Discover now