New friends

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Who could have known that Fire first and Straw hat knew each other? Watching them fight was really something, as if they were a duo since they're born. I decided to follow Fire Fist for more information about his presence here(and for an autograph!!!). The appearance of the man was really beautiful , just look at his freckles, they're cute. Look at his face, he is handsome. Now look at his entire being, he's attractive. Like bro, sharing is caring, my bed is an option.

Straw hat is so cute, adorable and deadly. The boy literally defeats people twice his height in a second. I could only have pity for the criminal that Monkey D. Luffy made fly. Fire first and he started running again. I tried to follow them but all I could do was fall face first on the floor, this dirty floor. I screamed his name in a desperate attempt but I knew that it was a lost cause.

"Did you call my name? Who are you? You don't look like someone from the marine." said a voice in front of me. All I could do was open my eyes like if I wanted him to take them with him.

"CanIhaveaphotographpleaseandalsoaphotowithyou?" I said without stuttering.

"Can you repeat this?" He asked, looking confused. Bro is beautiful even when he's confused.

"Can I have a photograph, please, and also a photo with you?" I repeat a little calmer. He looked at me even more confused than he was before. I swear, he wants me dead and I want him so badly.

"You want my photograph and a photo wit-" " YES"I interrupted him suddenly.

"Well, okay, it's pretty sudden but okay I accept" He responded with a smile.I was so happy. I get up from the floor, gave him my notebook for him to sign. He signed with his name while I also took my camera from my backpack for the photo. Afterwards, he took my camera from my hand and he suddenly grabbed my waist to bring me closer to him and he took the photo. He gave me back my camera and smiled at me.

 He gave me back my camera and smiled at me

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"I still don't know your name. '' He said while smiling at me. I was blushing so hard and he kept looking at me like this?

" Asha, Ardiloso D. Asha." I responded while keeping myself from fangirling.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Asha. I hope to see you again if I have the chance." He said while running toward the direction Straw hat took.

"Bye, I will definitely see you again" I responded to him.

One of my dreams has become reality. I was blushing madly and I watched the photo I took with him. The two of us were smiling but his smile was the most beautiful and memorable. Am I drooling right now? No, but it would have been understandable. I placed the picture in my carnet where he signed his name and placed the book in my backpack. I had to go back with the others.



"The smoke jerk" was so mad at me. He was saying that I was irresponsible to go after a pirate( it's what we were doing the past few days ): ) Its not like I was hurt or anything, my face was just dirty from my beautiful fall. Tashigi finally calm him down for me to clean my face and drink water because a beautiful person like me need to have her face clean of course. I could clearly see That old guy glaring at me, but I didn't care anymore. Our next destination will be rainbase I think, I hope I will see Fire Fist again.

A Few days later...

We were finally at Rainbase and I was really tired. We didn't do anything fun. Tashigi was staying with me but her presence didn't help me much. We entered a restaurant(?) and we finally see someone fun, Straw Hat.

He was drinking water with one of the members of his crew. When they saw "the walking cancer" and Tashigi, they spit out the water they drank two seconds before on Tashigi and "the smoke jerk". I was laughing like the crazy person I was. "The dead lung" was chasing the pirate and I decided that I ran enough in that country, so I ordered some food while waiting for "The old captain" to come back without Monkey D. Luffy.

This situation was really strange. Me sitting and eating while the others are chasing the Sraw hats. Is Fire fist still with them? Can I call him by his name? Ace? Nah, for now I will call him by his full name or his nickname(?) fire first. It will be better for now. I need photograph from more pirates like all the Straw hats crew, Red-haired Shanks and some more. It will be fun!!!

-Some hours later...

I have been waiting for some hours now and that old geezer isn't back yet.Did he lost himself or something, did a black cat cross his path? I couldn't wait anymore so I decided to go search for him myself.

I was outside searching for the marine who brought me in this desert but I didn't find anything. After some time, I finally saw the nicotine addict talking with Straw Hat. When the other marine tried to arrest the Straw Hat crew, The crazy old tree stopped them. Something must have happened and I know it. It must be with that crocodile guy, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. From what I heard, the guy owns a casino and must be the cause of the conflict in Arabasta.

He seems like the type of guy to let others do the dirty work. This time, I have to do my work and write a report about what is going to happen. Straw hats must be involved in this and will maybe help the princess with them to stop the Warlord. I hope this will end well.

Author: Thank you for reading this chapter, Ace is one of my favorite characters so here it is

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Author: Thank you for reading this chapter, Ace is one of my favorite characters so here it is.My OC doesn't really take her job seriously and just chills, but that's about to change.

See you next time.

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