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Straw hat did it. He defeated Crocodile, one of the 7 Warlords. I'm actually curious because I still don't understand why Luffy did it. To help the princess? Was she kidnapped? Why did he help her? Did he actually did it for her? I don't have the time to figure this out because the soldiers seem to still want to fight.

Why do people want war? What are they fighting for? Didn't they want peace? Is their hate much stronger than their desire for peace? The princess doesn't seem to know what to say. They don't want to stop because for them, it will seem like the sacrifice they made was for nothing. I mean, what did she expect? They were literally trying to kill each other some minute ago, did she expect them to say ok and go home while forgetting the rage they experienced?

They were fighting for what they supposed was true and she expected to stop the fight with one sentence? I hope she has another long paragraph who will explain to them the whole situation.

A man suddenly ordered the soldiers to drop their weapons. That boy looks like Dora the explorer with his hair cut.( who is " Dora the explorer "?)

Another man appeared with a boy in his arms and asked the rebels to also drop their weapons

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Another man appeared with a boy in his arms and asked the rebels to also drop their weapons.

From what I heard, they thought he was dead

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From what I heard, they thought he was dead. The boy in the arms of the supposed dead man was explaining that the men who beat him up were fake soldiers. It must be the agent of Crocodile. One person from the rebels agrees with the boy and explains that this fight was created with a wicked plan. The blond man( the one they thought was dead) ordered again for them to drop their weapons and they finally did. The princess was suddenly outside beside her people and was definitely searching for someone. I finally decided to go because I was getting bored with all of this drama, so I decided to go after the straw hat pirates.

It seems I made a good decision because they met king Cobra with Monkey D. Luffy on his back. He talked with a boy in a suit but they were interrupted by the princess. The king talked about how Straw Hat saved him and another person. They talked and talked and finally the straw hats asked her to go with her people.

After she left, they fell out of fatigue. That was actually a cute situation because they didn't want her to see them in this state so yeah, I found it really cute. I could hear from here the marine going to arrest Crocodile, that was my sign to go back with Tashigi.

I followed the soldiers and saw her arrest Crocodile and remove his title and privileges. That was really satisfying when you think about everything bad he did with his title and privileges. I finally feel the tension go down. The king did a motivating speech for them because they won nothing with this fight, so they will have to live with their regrets.

Even so I still felt bad because the fight of the Straw hat pirates will remain unknown. I think this is why journalists and reporters exist, we have the job of making the civilization know about events like this one and make light on heroes.

I decided to go collect my escargophone around this ancient war zone. I found all of them except the one in the secret basement. They were certainly destroyed and to be sure I activée the autodestruction one.

From the distance I could hear Tashigi screaming at the soldiers to let the Straw hats pirates go. I also heard happy screams from others happy that it was finally raining.

I followed Tashigi and the soldiers. When she saw me, she gave me a big hug. When she did, I felt nothing but confusion. She didn't know that I let her face Nico Robin alone.

She didn't know that I was hiding while she was fighting for justice. Why didn't I feel embarrassed with all the things I did? All of us followed her. We were going to find the "intoxicated lungs" guy.

We finally find him in the morning with a pink haired woman. Miss "Hina" , as Tashigi called her, seemed to know Tashigi because she said something about it. It had been a long time since they saw each other.

Tashigi didn't seem to really care and responded to this rapidly. She did her report to the "cigar guy" and excused herself for letting the Straw hats go. The "dead lung" guy said that she didn't have to excuse her actions and she did the right thing. She explained that she didn't have a choice.

Smoker gave her a speech while she was leaving. She cried because of it and I had the idea of beating the shit out of that stupid old man. She screamed that she would become stronger and the only thing I did was watch them. Hina looked at me and signaled me to follow her, so I did. After some minutes, the smoke dude received a call from the QG. They were praising him for his and Tashigi's fight with Crocodile. Wait a damn minutes....WHAT?????

They didn't even fight Crocodile, it was Straw Hat Luffy who did not that old hag. The old man was also triggered by this but the QG seems to ignore this declaration. He tried to tell them again but Hina explained that the government didn't want this affair to go public. Smoker tried to argue with this and let them know....

I will not write what he says, I still have my honor to preserve. I don't want to break it because of the vocabulary of that man. I will call him with nickname but sometimes with his actual one. I don't have the energy to think about it. After that, The QG left a message saying that someone will have a discussion with me about something I have, what could it be? I didn't care, so I got back to writing all the things that happened today in my two notebooks and a new one to be sure.

"What are you doing and who are you? You don't seem to be in the marine." The person who was talking to me was Hina. She was really pretty and strong , we love strong women!!!

"Well my name is Asha and I am a journalist or a reporter, it depends of the situation"

Author:( don't ask why I write that, I don't know)

"So you are here to report for the journal what happened during the battle?" Hina asked with curiosity. I responded yes and she seemed to think about something. What did I said? Or was it because of something she heard? The call from the QG was starting to bother me a little bit.

"I really enjoy our conversation but I'm really tired" Hina seemed to understand and let me go to my room where all my things were transported from Smoker ship. The ship where we are belongs to Hina. After preparing myself I slept like a bear hibernating.

Author: thank you for reading this chapter, I hope that you will like it

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Author: thank you for reading this chapter, I hope that you will like it. I also wanted to inform you that, the Oc original arc will begin. I don't really want Asha( the oc) to follow them to Skypea since I don't plan of making her a Straw hat.
Also Pell(?) isn't dead so yeah bye.

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