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My goodbyes with Tashigi were emotional for her. She cried that she didn't want me to go. I mean, with a superior like the "intoxicated lung" guy, life must not be easy.

"Well, it seems that our paths are finally separating, Tashigi."

"Yes, but we will see each other, right?" Tashigi asked me.

"Let her go Tashigi, our job is finally finished with this brat" That stupid old man is trying to fight me or something?

"I'm not a brat. You're walking a walking disease old man."


"Your hearing is starting to run away from you old man, do you want me to repeat it for you,old man?"

"Just go away kid, you are making me lose hair."

I think he hates me. Maybe. Tashigi and he decided to send me to the QG where my manager will take my report. I didn't even know I had one. After my last hug with Tashigi, I entered the QG with my backpack. A soldier led me to a room where a masked man was waiting for me.  That man was creeping me out. I could only think about the conversation between Smoker, Hina and the QG.

"You must be the journalist sent with Smoker in Arabasta, right?" This dude is scary and strange, like really strange.


"I hear that you wrote in a notebook everything who happened, is that true?" How told him? Why does he want to know?"Don't lie"

"Alright, yes, it's true, so what?"

"Give it to me"




"Just give it to me or die" What did he sayyyyyy?!?? Dying?!! Just because they don't want the people to know about the exploits of pirates?

Give it or die...

Hum, the choice is already made.

I gave him my notebook without an argument.He took it and looked at me.

"You must never talk about what happened there to anyone, do you understand? Smoker is the one who defeats Crocodile. Straw Hat didn't participate in the fight. " He was talking to me as if I was about to become a threat to him. Why did the government want to keep all of this secret?  This is a case I need to look at. If they can erase things like this, maybe my origins are hidden by them.

"Yes, I understand..." he disappeared after I responded and left me with my thoughts. They use the media to write their version of the truth. It will be dangerous to publish an article about them. Not everyone will believe it and I will be considerate as a traitor, a criminal. I must find proof and have a big influence. I need to expose them.

After some time, another man entered the room.

"Are you Ardiloso D. Asha?" He asked me

"Yes.... It's me."

"Actually, I'm not really your manager, the boss just wants me to lead you to the QG of the W.E.N.P. We have a mission for you."

"But why me, I'm new."

"I don't know, my role is just to take you to him, are you ready? Do you have other things to take except your backpack?"

"No, I have nothing else to take."

The journalist(one piece x oc)Where stories live. Discover now