Just a Cullen Story

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Just a Cullen story:

My one and only disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all twilight related things. Everything else is all me. Hope you enjoy! (I will not type this disclaimer on every chapter I do as everyone should know by now Stephanie Meyer owns twilight.)

Edward and I were lying in our bed in our cottage while Renesmee was fast asleep in her bed; everyone else was at the main house no doubt loving their lovers. I told Edward I was ready to leave Forks and begin with the life he had always lived, I wanted to go to college and I was ready for Renesmee to experience the outside world a little bit. We decided to call Jacob to see if he could come and sit with the sleeping Renesmee, so we could talk things over with the family, after everything was settled we would then discuss things over with Jacob as I am sure he will want to come with us, but I don’t know how his pack will take it but we will give him time.

As soon as Jacob arrived we had to explain that we needed to talk to the rest and that as soon as a decision was made we would then inform him of it. Of course he thought the worse as we were being so cryptic but I did tell him there was no danger and everything was actually fine. We were finally on our way to the big white house, of course having Alice with us she knew we were coming so when we got inside everyone was waiting for us in the living room. Emmett of course thought this was funny as we interrupted him and Rosalie’s night. Emmett always found us to be funny creatures and that we would want something when we should be doing something else. Alice apparently did not tell them what was going on. Everyone else was concerned as the hour was very late. So Edward took it upon himself to tell everyone what was going on. So of course Carlisle said we should go to the dining room to have our conference. As soon as we were in our seats Edward began the conversation. It felt good to get this out in the open as I have been thinking about it for the past 6 years. I did not realize what I was doing to everyone by choosing to stay here in forks until this very moment as I really thought about the past years; everyone was ready to leave after the fight with the Volturi. I was lost in my own thoughts when I realized everyone was looking at me for something. I snapped out of my mind when Edward asked if I was alright. And then because he could not read my mind I had to explain to everyone that I felt terrible and selfish for keeping everyone here just so my father could see his granddaughter. But of course no one would let me blame myself Edward especially.

Everyone was excited with the news that we were ready to leave this place and take on the next part of our lives. I felt a lot better about it, but now we had to talk to Jacob about what he would do, figure out where we would go, and tell my father that we were leaving. Then I broke the news to Jasper that I would take care of things with Mr. Jenks. Jasper was not happy with that idea but Edward told him that the change was good. Everything would be set into motion as soon as Jacob made his decision. It was now nearly dawn so we just called Jacob to tell him we wanted to talk to him and he could either wake Nessie or leave her a note to join us when she woke up. He said he would leave her a note. Then within a few minutes we heard his giant wolf self cross the river to phase back and come inside. We gave him the news that we were ready to leave Forks, Jacob did not take this lightly he was torn between his pack and his imprint. I told him we would expect an answer by the end of the week as we were going to start the moving preparations as soon as we could. And we decided that we would also include Jacob in all the paper work that needs to be obtained my Mr. Jenks. I knew I needed to speak with Charlie as soon as possible, it was about the time he was getting up to get ready for work so I decided I would call him and go see him now. I sent Edward to get out lovely daughter from her bed so we could go see him; Jacob of course went with us. Charlie agreed to see us before heading to work; I did hate to do this as I feared it would ruin his day. As soon as Nessie and Edward were at the house we got in Edwards Volvo, Jacob complained because I still never drove my Ferrari in Forks. We were at Charlie’s in a matter of minutes and of course I told him that I called him while we were on our way. I sat him down at the table to tell him the news of us leaving and I was surprised, before he answered Edward was smiling and I knew right then this was a good thing. As I guessed he was actually surprised we waited so long before leaving but I told him I did not want him to miss a beat with Renesmee. But he rebuked me for thinking he was holding us back. But since this was settled I felt better about leaving everyone behind knowing I would not get to see him as much any more but he was still seeing Sue Clearwater. So he was not completely alone.

(A/N) Next chapter will be uploaded very soon this story is just flowing onto the screen LOL everyone should know about when you get an idea its just there ready to come out. I am hoping this is just a short story…. Please review comment and vote!!!!!! I would appreciate it!! And I hope you have liked it was coming out so fast but it all made sense to me I hope you can make sense of it as well

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