13 and a half

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(A/N) As I was lying in bed I thought this little part up and I did not want to lose it so I thought I would give you all a special little treat. I don’t know how well it will fit in with the story line but I thought it would be a nice little addition….. Angry, angry Bella, I know she is never really angry, but when it comes to a mother protecting her child you never know what might happen… Let’s see how this plays out…  Here it is!!!!! 

Edward and I were sitting in our English class trying to look as though we were paying attention to the lecture the teacher was giving us about Wuthering heights, I already knew everything there was to know about it seeings as it was one of my favorite stories , and actually it still is. I knew I could have the paper typed out with in minutes of being home. As I was sitting there thinking about  the look on the teachers face when I handed in a extensive paper on the story, I then got hit with the most weirdest feeling, something was wrong and I knew it. I instantly froze and began searching for the danger in the room, just like Edward and always on cue he touched my arm and so quick and low asked if I was alright, I lowered my shield afraid that the panic would make me scream, I told him something was horribly wrong. I sensed him tense and I knew he was searching the room with his mind. Then after a few seconds he told me that there was nothing wrong in the room. I was still unable to shake the feeling, panic covered every inch of my body, I screamed at Edward in my head to find Nessie. After a few moments I heard it. A sharp intake of breath the coiling of muscles. We needed to eave and go to Nessie. I did not know where she was but Edward did and he was in no shape to get us out of class. 

In a very human manner I raised my hand and waited just a few seconds to try to get the teachers attention. He did not notice me at all so very timidly I said “excuse me sir,” he was about to be very rude to me until he saw who was addressing him. I was actually still getting used to the way humans reacted to us; it was still very interesting to see it from this side. “Yes Miss Cullen, what can I do for you?” I think my brother is sick could I please take him down to the nurse? I will of course come back to get our assignment, when we are finished. He looked a little baffled I knew students did this to wait get an extra day from having to do a big assignment I however wanted to be a good student. A responsible Cullen. He allowed us to go with out any complaints and then I realized that the look that Edward was showing must have made him think he was really sick, I however knew better and knew it was furious. I had almost forgotten that he knew what was going on. As soon as we were out of the room I needed to know what was going on. 

Edward told me that four girls had Nessie backed into a wall in a girl’s bathroom; one of them had a knife and was repeatedly trying to slash Nessie’s face. And the more she scraped the knife and the less damage it did she was getting more and angrier with Nessie and they were going to try to break her arm soon. We were close I could hear the knife scraping across Nessie’s semi hard skin but not doing any damage. Then I heard Nessie laugh, she must have heard our approach as she began taunting the girls about how they were in serious trouble now. And then the one girl said “not if I kill you first” and with that I burst into the bathroom and said excuse me! What are you doing to MY sister? I was in enough control to keep up the human charade. I looked at the other three girls and told them to get out. 

I silently told Edward to keep them out side and we will deal with them when I was finished in here. I grabbed a hold of the girl’s hair with only enough forge to seem human. It actually was a good thing we spent weeks practicing this. I then slammed her into the toilet stall and back out until she was facing me. I took one look at her and she was in tears. Still filled with rage I looked right at her and in such a mocking tone I said “oh it’s different when it is you on the other side of the wall is it?” She was beginning to shake and I suddenly did not know why she was doing this to my daughter. When I asked her why she actually let out a bitter laugh and spit in my face. And then proceeded to tell me that she was supposed to be the prettiest girl in school, she was supposed to be dating Xander, she was the head cheerleader. For a brief moment I froze trying to understand what she was talking about, then I heard Edwards voice out in the hall telling someone to stay there and that I could handle this all by myself.  

I knew at once that Alice had probably alerted the rest of the family as to what was going on with Nessie. I still did not quite understand what she meant by she was supposed to be the prettiest in the school, and then I thought about it and realized that she thought Nessie was trying to take the spotlight from her. I laughed then, even to me it sounded a bit scary. She cringed deeper into the wall as I hissed the words that if she ever came near any one in my family again it would be her pretty face getting slashed with a knife. 

I then let go of her and told her to get out and if she ever repeated anything that happened in this room to anyone she would lose the reputation she had. She flew out of the bathroom but I did not know if she got past my family or not. I then looked at Nessie and really took in the look on her face. She looked terrified; I was a lot calmer no that I made my threat and protected my daughter from harm, but when I reached out towards her she shied away from me. I asked her what was wrong and it took her a moment to collect her self and all she did was asking what that was. And I thought she meant why were the girls attacking her and I said all they were, were jealous little girls who had no manners. Nessie looked at me and said “no mom I was talking about you, I have never seen you so angry. You looked like you were going to tear them apart and burn the building down with your eyes.” Is that really how I looked? Was Nessie afraid of me? I took Nessie by the hand and pulled her close. I told her I was sorry for scaring her and I would try to never do that again. Moment by moment she relaxed and when I felt her calm down she looked up at me and said thank you, I don’t know what I would have done if you did not show up. She was getting so angry that her knife was not cutting into me. I must really have extremely hard skin like you and dad, but mine is still softer then yours.” 

We walked out of the bathroom to be stared down by five semi angry siblings. I looked at all of them and said lets just ditch and go home and talk about this. I got the funniest feeling that they might be a little angry with me but I don’t know why, I did not harm the girl. 

(A/N) OK so here it is my late night thinking. We needed a little bit of drama in here…. I hope you all enjoyed it…. It made me feel better to let some anger out….. Until next time…..

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