just a cullen story...2

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When we got back home we found jasper on the phone with Mr. Jenks getting our new paper work in order, Esme was looking over real estate in different areas, Carlisle was applying at various hospitals, and everyone else was discussing weather or not to go to high school or start right in on college, me and Edward already decided on college, Nessie was ready for high school, we decided to let her. As er rapid growth slowed and she now looked about sixteen. It is still hard to believe she is only 6 years old almost 7 and that’s when Nahuel said she should stop growing and then be the same, frozen in time. We decided on a town called Ely in Minnesota there are plenty of forests plus it is close to Canada for those of us who like to hunt big game. Everyone wanted to go into high school with Nessie for her first year; I and Edward decided to skip college for now and join Nessie in high school to help her with her first year, I don’t know why but I knew she would be great, she had been tutored by the whole family who has extensive knowledge about everything. There is no doubt in my mind that when she is done she will get into the best colleges in the world. We would also enroll as seniors as well as jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. Alice and Nessie would be sophomores. If Jacob decided to go he would be a junior. Jasper said our documents would be ready by the end of the week and I could pick them up. After the last incident, Edward insisted that he went with me this time, which made me, chuckle…

(A/N): I am gonna change to Jacobs’s pov just so we know what is going on with him in this situation. I am not a fan of different pov but I think this is important and it probably won’t happen again…

Jacob…. I about hit the floor when Bella called me in the middle of the night to sit with Nessie, I thought there was something wrong so I phased and got to the cottage as soon as possible, Edward had a huge grin on his face when he seen the panic in mine, I was a little angry. But then Bella told me there was nothing wrong they just had some stuff on their minds that they needed to discuss with the family. Then I thought about it after they left. If it was not important, then why did they not tell me about it when I got here? So I got a little nervous. After a few hours of me pacing I was debating on weather or not to just go to them when Bella called and told me to either wake Nessie and bring her to the house or leave her a note to come to the big house when she woke up. I figured I would let her sleep in some. So I wrote her a note and went outside to phase, I was at the big house in a matter of minutes; everyone was there so this must be big. Bella looked at me while she was biting her bottom lip. I knew that look it was something she really did not want to tell me. So I seen her suck in a deep breath and said “were moving, and at the end of the week and we will expect to know if you are coming with us or not. Please make your decision and talk to your pack and let us know.” Right at that moment my heart shattered. There was a lot to think about. I wanted to go with my imprint I wanted to always be with her, but then there was my pack, what would they do with out me? They could join back with Sam, well I knew Leah would not she would leave I knew that. I had to get this done with, but then I heard Bella on the phone with Charlie, then she instructed Edward to go get Nessie and that they were going to go inform Charlie about this, I figured I would go for the ride maybe we could take the Ferrari, nope of course not, I don’t know why Bella is so afraid to drive it here, she is a Cullen now who cares. Well we got in the Volvo and went to Charlie’s. He took it very well he thought we would of all left by now but he was happy and Bella don’t need to worry he has Sue. After a few hours we left to go back home, I had a really tough decision to make and I did not know how my pack would take it……


Jake was standing there with the look of confusion and hurt and a few other emotions. I knew this was going to be hard on him. I knew he was torn between Nessie and his pack, Seth was the only one who seemed to like us, so I knew Seth would tell Jake to come with us, the others would be hurt and angry. After a while I finally told Jake to go call his pack meeting. After Jake left we all gathered into the dining room once again to talk of the move. Esme found a lovely property which she pursched and decided she would go immediately to start building along with everyone else but me and Edward and Nessie. Alice had already got everything packed; I honestly don’t know how she gets things done so quickly. They took all the stuff with them leaving just a few pieces of furniture which we would cover with sheets and pull the metal sheets over the windows when we were ready to leave. I had to wait to go meet Mr. Jenks for all the paper work so we could get enrolled in school I was so nervous this will be the first time through school for me, well as a vampire. I am just hoping that the students will act like they did here in Forks and just avoid us. I don’t know if I would be able to hold back fro a girl who was hitting on my husband. Even though we would actually have to pretend to just be a boyfriend and girlfriend type thing and poor Nessie is going to have such a hard time with this when she won’t be able to call us mom or dad or even any of her aunts and uncles. It’s going to be rough at first. I know that but I am proud I have the only six year old in tenth grade, which brought a huge smile to my face. Edward seen this and asked if I would share, so I told him loud and clear for everyone to hear just how proud I am of my six year old to be the only one so young in tenth grade. Just as everyone else was getting ready to leave Jacob walked in, hopefully with his decision.

OK. Cliff hanger guys…. I want to hear from you should Jacob stay or should he go? The most votes from different people get that outcome I will be writing this next chapter while I wait, im giving it until Monday 4/25/2011.…, if I don’t hear for anyone I will write it my way but I want to hear your thoughts about it..


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