Chapter 6

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We went to the small airport and boarded our plane we had a two hour flight to New York then a non stop flight to Paris, where there was going to be a private jet to bring us home. This was going to be either a really good time or it was going to be an annoyance, I think the best part is going to be spending five whole days in the most romantic city in the world. I am going to try to keep a positive attitude about this, I still don’t like gifts or attention but I am slowly coming around. Edward and I were lost in conversation as we started to descend into JFK airport Nessie tugged on my arm this is the first time she has ever seen New York and im pretty sure she is excited we were not staying here long enough to do anything though I promised her that we would come back on our first break from school, I know she is going to love Paris, I am sure I will love Paris for that matter. We got off the plane and had to immediately board the plane to Paris, Alice is a natural at planning our trips. It was going to be a fourteen hour trip to France, thankfully Edward and the other girls were there to keep me occupied. Nessie fell asleep on the plane and it felt like we were only on the plane for about an hour and we were already landing, Edward is so good at distracting me, when we got off the plane there was a limo waiting for us right outside the plane we did not need to go to the baggage claim as we had none, Alice was sure to have fresh clothes already waiting in our hotel rooms. When we got to the hotel Alice checked us all in and we were escorted to our rooms, Alice leaned over to Nessie and told her that there was some really good human food waiting for her to try, Nessie would tolerate a small amount of human food which was good for the upcoming school front. Alice, Rosalie and Nessie had gotten the huge presidential suite, Edward and I have a smaller honeymoon suite. Alice and Rosalie wanted to go to some swanky midnight boutique, and we decided to stay with Nessie so she could get some rest. After a while they came back and Edward had a huge grin on his face when Alice pulled me into our bathroom. When we got in there I protested that I did not want a makeover tonight I wanted to relax before she took me off shopping for the next four days, but when I was told that Edward would enjoy this as much as I would, I gave in there was never any point in arguing with my favorite sister. Alice made me close my eyes while she dressed me which I did not know what the point was to that, with all my heightened vampire senses I could tell what type of material she’s was putting on me, I guess it was to see my face when I looked in the mirror for the first time, whatever she was putting on me was definitely lace, oh so this is why Edward was smiling I am sure in a hour this will be torn and in pieces on the floor when he is done with me. We never talked about how much something costs because I am sure I would freak out and to the Cullen’s money was not important, it was more like a child’s toy then anything I am pretty sure we have more money then five countries put together. We try to blend in with the locals but it’s not that easy when you have fancy clothes and fancy clothes, maybe our next move can be where kids have fancy clothes and cars we might fit in better. But it would have to be a UN sunny place for sure. After a few moments Alice had me in front of a mirror and told me to open my eyes. I did as I was told and I think my jaw hit the ground. I was in a pair of black 8 inch stilettos with a blood red lace nighty that should be illegal. Alice told me to wait thirty seconds then go to Edward. She quickly left the room leaving me to stand there gawking at myself in disbelief. At the thirty second mark I made my way to the bathroom door and slowly turned the handle. As I was trying to be very quiet opening the door I was actually very surprised to see Edward standing there waiting for me to come out. As he was looking at me from top to bottom, I seen his eyes fill with lust and I knew he wanted me right then and there no need to go to the bed right here was fine with me. I pleaded with him not to rip this one and he agreed. He pulled it slowly and seductively off my body leaving my shoes on my feet, he picked up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and slowly lowered myself onto him, the way we were connected sent a shiver down both our spines as he carried me to the bed. I guess he could wait I did not want to I started placing soft kisses on his neck and jaw bone. We finally made it to the bed and he lowered both of us to the bed to not break our connection. After a few hours we finally stopped due to the phone going off. I thought it was Alice but I was wrong it was Nessie. She said she was outside the door and she wanted to show me something. I told her wait five minutes because I was a little busy. I quickly hung up the phone. I kissed Edward, and got out of the bed, as I was getting up Edward grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him to tell me he will be out in the hall waiting with Nessie, “don’t take too long Mrs. Cullen” that one phrase sends goose bumps down my body every time he says it, I love the fact he is mine and I am his. It makes me so happy to know that we will be together forever. I quickly put on a red v-neck shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans and black heels. I went out to the hall to see everyone standing there waiting for me, Alice shook her head; she of course did not like what I was wearing. But right now this was about Nessie not me. Nessie grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator. She pushed the up button which surprised me. When the elevator stopped Nessie pulled me out and led me to the stairs. We then walked up two flights of steps, then Alice covered my eyes and Edward started to chuckle under his breath, I just went with it there was no use in protesting. Nessie and Rosalie had both my hands to lead me to wherever. We finally stopped and my hand fell to my sides and Alice got off my back and then told me to open them. I looked out over the city of Paris with all the glorious lights in away it reminded me of New York City. It was a breath taking sight to see we must have been on top of one of the tallest buildings in Paris. Everyone was right it was so romantic, when I spun around to tell everyone how beautiful it was the only one standing there was Edward. He quickly wrapped his hands in my hair and kissed me and then we were on the ground making love like we have never before. I never really paid any attention to my surroundings when I was with Edward this way. When I finally pulled my mouth away from his I noticed it was approaching dawn, I looked at Edward and he looked at me a little sad. I asked him what was wrong but he just pressed his lips to mine one more time and got up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up and we ran to the door to get inside before the sun hit us and made our skin shine. We got to the bottom of the steps and there was everyone waiting for us. Alice was bouncing up and down eager to leave talking about the tunnel under the hotel leading to the best mall. I started to tell Alice I needed to go change and clean up when she interrupted me and told me my clothes were already laid out on the bed and to hurry up they would be down stairs waiting for us. Edward and I quickly got to our room and got ready to leave. Once we got back down stairs both Nessie and Alice were bouncing off their chairs, and Rosalie was looking at me in awe, the same look Edward had when I got dressed, I did not understand how they thought I was beautiful, I never see it. We made our way to a different set of elevators and Alice pushed the down button, she said that it will take us to the tunnel to get to the mall.

The tunnel was not what I expected at all, I was thinking of the dark, dank tunnel I had walked so many years ago to see the Volturi, when I saved Edward from killing himself when he thought I was dead. This tunnel however was all marble and very well lit. It was like walking down a hallway in a building instead of being underground. After a few moments we reached a glass revolving door leading to the ground level of the mall. Alice said the shops she wanted us to go to were on the third floor apparently this mall was layered by gender, Edward decided he would go with Rosalie to the men’s floor then meet up with us in woman’s, we were never allowed to go anywhere’s alone. Alice Nessie and I went up to the third floor to do our shopping we reached the first store and Alice stopped just outside of it and went blank, I knew she was looking into the future to see if there was anything in the store she would desire for us, of course there was, shopping with Alice was so easy, yet sometimes very annoying. I never got the chance to pick out my clothes. I was able to try them on and discard the ones I really did not like at all, but that was it. After going in five different stores and walking out with thirty bags Edward and Rosalie finally got to us Edward had about ten bags Rosalie smiled at Alice knowing that Alice picked out all her clothes and Alice smiled back knowing Rosalie did a good job with Edward. Alice looked at her cell phone to see what time it was and it was around seven o’clock so we were safe to go outside, and then Edward took the cell phone and dialed a number speaking perfect French. When he hung up he explained that our limo would be out front in a few moments to take us out to dinner. Of course dinner was for Nessie; Alice said she would not appreciate France unless she tried their food here. To our surprise Nessie was starting to like some of the food. We got outside just as our limo pulled out, the driver looked shocked as he took in our appearances and it took him a few moments to notice all of our bags, he quickly got out of the car to open the trunk and helped Edward put all the bags in. then he opened our door for us as we climbed in the back seat. It seemed like it took forever to reach the restaurant. When we got there Edward instructed the driver to take our bags back to the hotel and have them delivered to our room, and to come back in two hours to pick us back up. He then gave the driver a two hundred dollar tip and we went in the restaurant. Inside was just as stunning as the rest of the places I have seen so far, as we walked in everyone was staring at us of course. Edward was trying so hard to block out the thoughts of everyone in there but it was very difficult for him. The hostess must have seen the distress on Edwards face as she hurried us up the stairs into a private room. We all were seated at a round table with beautiful china and crystal dinner wear. We sat there for a few hours just enjoying everyone’s company while Nessie tried just about everything on the menu. After Nessie was finally done we went back to the hotel. The next three days were pretty much the same, indoor malls during the day, dinner in the evening for Nessie and exploring the city by night. We finally got home and Edward and I were ready to take our hunting trip for the remainder of the summer break, it gives us a week. It was decided that all of us would go hunting together so we could all be OK when school started and we would not be tempted by the humans. Living in forks for so long without being near humans, might be difficult for us now, but we all did have good control and everyone was used to humans except Nessie and I.

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