- Part 31 -

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Sarah's P.O.V.

'Fire. Fire everywhere. It's getting hart to breathe because of the smoke and I can hardly see anything. All I see are the red and orange colors of the fire that had broken out in an unknown place. I'm sitting on the floor, unable to move, I want to but I'm being hold back by change around my hands. 

I look around and see everyone I care for suffering and dying. Luca, Leo, Ella, Romano, Antonio, Malady, even mom. One by one they fall to the ground, barely alive or already dead. 

'I can't do this anymore' I think to myself as I let out a scream.'

I scream as I open my eyes and see I'm in my room, under my soft covers. I sit up straight and pul me knees to my chest and pull at my hair. I'm shaking and breathing heavily, and I'm trying to calm myself down. But fail miserably.

All of a sudden my door flies open and the lights are switched on. I don't even acknowledge it, still to panicked and too caught up in my head as I keep seeing the people I love dying while I did nothing to help them. 

I feel the the bed dip on my side and see a concerned Romano sitting beside me. 

"I-I'm s-sorry, it was just a nightmare. You can leave, I'll be fine." I say, not able to keep my voice from trembling. I probably woke him up and kept him from his sleep. He needs that sleep, he has a meeting in the early morning, he told me before I went to bed. He should just leave and let me handle this on my own like I always do.

Instead of leaving like I expected him to do, he did the exact opposite. He pricked me up and placed me in his lap as he begins to rock me back and forth like a baby, he began stroking my hair, saying that he wasn't going anywhere. His arms are around me feel like a barrier, like nothing can hurt me.

"You're okay, I'll make all the scary things go away." He whispers in a gentle voice.

I hold on to his shirt for dear life while burying my head in his chest, and I try to listen to his heartbeat and the sweet nothings he whispers too me, trying to calm myself down. I let myself meld into his touch and returned his embrace for the first time that I've known him. After a few minutes my breathing calms down and I start to stop shaking. I feel the adrenaline leave my body and start to get tired again.

"Do you want to tell me what the dream was about?" He asked me, but I just shook my head and buried it deeper inside his chest. He hums in response and keeps stroking my hair. I felt two tears slip from my eyes but didn't bother to wipe them away, I'm to tired. I felt save and protected in his embrace. His soft, warm, and loving embrace.

I closed my eyes, ready for sleep to take me over. But just before I completely drove off to sleep, I heard him whisper in a oh so gentle voice "Sleep well, angel, I'll protect you." And I believe him, I believe he will fight the monsters I had to fight on my own before. I let the darkens take me over and entered an deep and dreamless sleep.


I wake up in my bed with the warm coffers over me. It's 10am which surprised me, I normally wake up around 8- or 9am. I stretch my arms above my head and make myself ready for the day. I walk downstairs, greet some guards that are inside, and go eat my breakfast. It feels weird to be eating without Romano after over two weeks eating breakfast and dinner with him, but it's fine.

After eating I walk to the kitchen and make lunch for myself. I'm planning on going into the woods and finishing the treehouse, so I won't have time to come back and have lunch at home. It's a sandwich with salmon and some other things.

Home. It's kinda scars me how fast i have been calling this house my home. After all, I'm only living here for around two weeks.

I wrap the sandwich in foil and do it in my bag. I took a book with me just like some decorating things that I bought. Walking out the backdoor and into the forest, enjoying the sound of the birds singing and the song that mother nature plays. I had gotten to know the forest better, and barely get lost anymore. I came past the river, so I know I'm close. I arrive and climb the ladder I made that leads to the treehouse. I expanded the treehouse a lot; I replaced the surface where you could walk and made a new one and made it a lot bigger, I made walls and a sealing so it wouldn't get wet when it's raining, few windows in them as well, you can enter it through a little door in the floor of the house that you can close again when you're in it, so you don't just have a hole in your floor. I also made a panel where you can sit in another tree for and better few from the stars at night. 

I throw my bag off of my shoulders and sat down on one of the beanbags. I look around, admiring the hard work I've done, and I have to say; I'm proud of the end resold. All I have to do now is decorate and making it cozy. With a huff I stood up and began to take out all the stuff off my bag. I have led-lights, fake candles –because I don't want this place to be set on fire with real ones- some drawing stuff and of course my lunch and book, but I place them to the side for now.

Beginning to put everything in place, I see how everything begins to get cozy. After two hours of working, I'm finally happy with the results. I sit down and look around 'it's perfect' I think to myself. I take out my book and my lunch and start to read in my cozy little home, high in a tree.


I'm sorry it's short but i didn't have a lot of time >(!!

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see you all on Monday!

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