- Part 54 -

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in Leo's car, going back home after our day together.

"I really enjoyed myself." I say as I see we're getting close.

"I did too." He said back with a smile. Just at that moment we arrived at the big gates of my home, but my smile faded.

Police cars are all over the place, sirens are flashing red and blue lights while there's a extremely loud noise coming from the speakers.

I quickly run out of the car with Leo calling after me, I run inside and go to the noice that's coming from the dining room.

"Hey you! You can't be here!" I hear a female voice from behind me but I ignore her and barge into the dining room.

As soon as I'm inside I have multiple guns pointed at me.

"Hold your fire!" A dark skinned woman in a police uniform said sternly to the people that were holding me at gun point.

"Dad, what's going on?" I ask dad in a panicked tone.

'What the fuck is going on!'

"Come here." He said while glaring at the policemen. I slowly walked towards him and immediately felt a bit better when I was close to him.

"Romano, what the hell is going on here!?" Leo -that had just came in after me- asked dad, looking furious. He went to step into the room but dad stoped him with the mention of his hand.

"Leo, I'll handle this, go home." Dad said, I saw he wanted to protest but dad gave him a look so he stepped back.

"You're going to tell me exactly what happened as soon as you've handled this." He said and walked off.

Dad tuned to me for a second "Are you okey?" He asked softly. I nodded "Yeah I'm fine, but what's going on." I asked back.

"Well, officer Jones here, accused me off killing you. But as you all can see, she's perfectly fine and certainly not dead." Dad spoke up with the voice he only uses in meetings; cold, emotionless, and hard.

I just looked at everyone in the room confused "Uh, with all the respect officer, I'm clearly alive and well. And even if I was killed, why on earth would you think my own father would do it?" I asked her.

Officer Jones cleared her throat "Well, miss..." "Sarah." I felt in. "Sarah, we got a tip that said you were murdered in this house. So, we came into action and want to take a look." She replied.

"Take a look?! As soon as I walking into this room seven guns were pointed at me. That isn't just looking around!" I scold her.

"You have to understand miss, we only wanted to make sure. And I hate to ask this, but we have to make sure you're truly Sarah Amato. Do you have your drivers license or anything that could identify you?" She asked, I only let out a sight and gave her my drivers license that I keep behind my phone.

"Happy?" I asked while trying to hide my irritation.

"Yes," she nodded while giving me back my card "Would you mind walking with me for a moment, I want to talk to you in private."

I looked at dad and he gave me a nod "Sure." I say while standing up.

As soon as we were out of the door she started to ask weird questions.

"Were you forced to say you were fine?"

"What? no."

"Is he truly your father?"

"Of course he is."

"Do you have anything to prove that?"

"Yes, I have." I said weirded out by the strange questions.

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