- Part 44 -

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Sarah's P.O.V.

After assuring Liam I was fine, I found out he was so excited because mom was one of the main reasons he wanted to specify on close combat. Tuns out, mom was one of the best spy's in the whole mafia world and a lot of different mafias wanted to have her on their team.

We went on with talking and I found out things about the boys and the other way around.

"Biggest scar on the body?" Jacob asked. We're asking questions and everyone has to answer. "Mentality and physically" Noah added.

Most of them didn't have really big ones, but some were mentally hard for them. It honestly surprised me how open they were.

"Sarah your turn" Alexander said.

"Well biggest I think this one on my hand but I'm not sure if it becomes a scar or completely heals" I said while holding up my hand with the cut that was slowly healing, it wasn't really big but it was still 4 inches. "And mentality it's one on my chest." 

"Can I see?" Roy asked and I was taken aback by that.

Alexander hit him on the back of his head lightly "Dude, it's on her chest. You can't just ask that!" he scolded him.

Roy pouched Alexander's hand away annoyed "Why not! I would show it-" he paused for a moment before his face turned bright red "OH, no no no, not like that! I swear!" He quickly apologizes while switching his gases between me and Alexander.

I chuckled at his panicked reaction "Don't worry, I was just a little shocked by the sudden question. If you wane see it's fine." I told him and he looked relieved.

"You sure? If not that's completely understandable." He said sweetly.

"Yeah, it's fine" I said while ricing off my seat and walking towards him. Once I stood in front of him, I lifted my shirt and showed him the scar. 

Yes, it is on my chest, but it's on the line of my bra so it's fine. And besides, no one else is in here so it's fine.

He looked carefully at it and then frowned his brows. "That's a shot wound." He announced while looking at me again. I nodded while I let my shirt fall down again and sat back in my seat. 

"That's right" I said with an easy smile on my face. A wound is a wound, and I don't mind it really much. Yes, it carries a bad memory, but it doesn't define it.

"How'd you get a shot wound, and it's almost faded so it's been at least a few years, how'd you got it?" Alexander, who sat next to Roy asked me. He probably examined it too.

"Four years back. Nice birthday gift from a maniac, don't you think?" I say with a sarcastic laugh.

I think Alexander saw I was getting a little uncomfortable about the topic, so he moved on by saying that Liam was next. I thanked him with a great full smile which he gladly returned. I went back to listening to the stories that were being told and enjoyed the day.


It's 4.30pm and Jack, Noah, Liam and Jacob have gone home. We're watching a horror movie and you can feel the upcoming jump scare. We had moved to the basement of the gym where they had made a place they hang out a lot. There were no windows, so it was dark what made the movie even scarier. 

I'm not the best with scary movies but I like the trill it gives.

The tension got bigger and bigger as you could hear the music in the background, letting the viewer know something was about to happen.

I'm sitting frozen in my seat on the couch in between William and Alexander, I'm not even sure if I'm breathing or not. I try to blink as little as possible to not miss anything.

"Max, I'm scared" one of the main characters says when they stare at the door that they heard a sound from. Just as they're about to open a door a man with a mask and chainsaw opened it and ran up to them. But at the exact same moment, the door burst open, making me jump and letting out a scream of fear.

Willam paused the movie and helped me up from the ground that I was now lying on, clinging a pillow to my chest for dear life. My eyes were still wide, and my heart was racing a mile an hour.

"There you are!" A girl that was now standing in the doorway screamed in excited.

"Susan? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in New York for another week" Alexander said while walking up to the girl that was standing in the doorway, packing her lips softly.

'Boyfriend and girlfriend, got it'  

Susan has brown curly hair with brown eyes, she's skinny and has a sweet smile.

"Hi baby," Susan said when she broke the kiss they shared "and I came back early because I missed you" she spoke softly, both completely caught up in their own little world.

"They're always like this" William muttered to me, making me giggle a little at the irritation in his voice "I think it's kind of cute" I muttered back, and I saw him rolling his eyes before going back to sit on his previous seat while I walked up to them.

I cleared my troth "Alexander," I said, catching his attention "how's this?" I asked while looking at Susan.

"Right, this is Susan, my girlfriend. Susan, this is Sarah, she's a new member of our group and my friend." Alexander introduced us to each other. 

We shook hands and gave each other a smile before she spoke up "I'm surprised they let you join. No offense, but all the boys are pretty picky, so I'm happy they finally found someone" she said in a sweet tone and with a happy smile.


Hi everyone!

Sorry for the short part but i'm pretty busy right now and had to rush.

I won't post until somewhere in January so i hope you guys will still be here when i come back.

For now already Happy holidays and Happy new year!!!

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