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The next morning I wake up with a huge headache and a bit of memory loss. I remember that simon and I went to the party and I know that I drank a lot and then later that night Simon brought me to my dorm. And I undressed myself in front of him... FUCK

ok no don't panic maybe he doesn't remember it anymore. Yes. You're good. He won't remember I mean I at least hope he doesn't remember because that would be hella embarrassing when I see him today...

Today was Saturday  so we didn't had school. That was good because I can't go to school with this fucking headache which feels like something is eating up my brain!

I shake my head and walk up to my closet to pick up some cute clothes for the day. I'm probably going out with Simon again so I searched for something extra pretty. Just for him.

After I found something (picture at the top) I decided to go with purple today. After I finished everything including my make up, I left my room and went to so if Simon was here. Even tho we had weekend there was still a chance that he would come here because he often did that when he had nothing else to do.

I searched him but he was nowhere to find so I decided to text him and ask him where he was.

(S:Simon E: Eloise)

S: yeah hello?
E: hello Simon it's Ellie. Do you have time to meet up? I'm bored as fuck and I don't know what to do.
S: yeah of course. I'm coming to the school ok? See you in ten.
E: ok see you later! Love ya.
S: yeah love ya too!

I hung up and placed my phone in my little pocket that my skirt had. I walked around school just to see my girls group sitting on a table talking about Wilhelm.

I walked up to them and sat down besides Sara. "What's with him?" I asked as I look up to the other three. "I don't know actually. We were just talking about if he and Simon will get back together or not you know?" Stella says as she shrugs.

"But I don't think that they ever going to get togehter. I mean have you seen how Simon looks at Ellie? That's not really a friendly look. He looks like he's in love!" Maddison says as she smiles at me. I smile back at her and then look at the floor to hide my red face.

Is she right? Does he really look at me like he's in love with me? Is he IN LOVE with me? I mean I hope he is because I like him. I always liked him. Since I got here with Wilhelm.

(I think I said at the start that she moved to the school AFTER the winter holidays. So let's just pretend that I never said that and that she came here togehter with Wilhelm)

But then they got togehter and the video got leaked and shit went down and Drama there and there so I just shut the feelings for him down, so there wouldn't be more drama. Than there already was.

I hear the girls talking and look up again. But I didn't quite pay attention to them. I payed attention to the strawberry blond boy I saw at the party yesterday. His name was Henry. We have a lot of classes togehter but we never spoke to eachother. Why should we?

I just sighed and followed him with my eyes while I was lost in my thoughts. When would Simon be here? I'm bored and I don't want to wait anymore. Can't he just come here now!?

I groan and all the girls look at me. "Is something wrong?" Sara asks me and looks a bit worried. She's always worried about everything. But I think that's the cute thing about her. One of the reasons why I like her so much.

"Yeah everything's fine I'm just waiting for your brother you know... he's taking his time again" I roll my eyes and smile at her. She understands and laughs. "Yeah he does that all the time" I laugh too now. It wasn't actually that funny but I just wanted to laugh.

Ten minutes passed by as I hear someone yell my name. My head shots up and I see Simon walking towards me.


Jasmin speaks:

Gosh I hate this story. I hate my own writing. I want to delete the story but I can't because I don't want to write this stuff for nothing...

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 - henry x OC (Young royals) Where stories live. Discover now