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I stood up from my bed and opened my window. I walked up to my bedside table and opened it. I had a pack of fags hiding there. I smoked. But not a lot I only did it when I really wanted to or when I was stressed. That's something everyone my age does... right?

I grabbed my red lighter and sat down on my windowsill and lighted my fag. I looked outside while smoking that's something I always do. It gives you some kind of peace.

(Fun fact I'm smoking while writing this😭)

Maybe I should break up with Simon. I mean you can clearly see that he still has a thing for Wilhelm. And I think that Wilhelm would stop ignoring me if I do it.

It's so stupid that I have to choose between family and love. But who kind of person would I be if I would choose some boy over my own blood?

This thoughts were eating me inside and I had no control to stop it. I was still crying, what a surprise.

I flinched when I heard someone yell my name. I looked at the door but no one knocked. I glanced outside the window and saw Wilhelm standing there. My room was quite high so I was looking down at him.

I rolled my eyes. Now it's my turn to treat him like garbage. "What do you want?" I sounded really cold but that didn't matter to me. He stared up to me. "I want to apologise okay!? I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way about me ignoring you..." now he looked at his hands.

Was he actually sorry or did he just felt the need to be nice to me again because his life was a shithole without me in it?

"Come here then we can talk." I said as I jumped of my window into my room again. I threw the cigarettes out of the window and closed it again. I sprayed some perfume on me so I don't smell that bad like smoke.

I heard a knock at my door. I sighed as I straightened my skirt and opened the door. "So? What do you want?" I roll my eyes and sat down on my bed.

Wilhelm closes the door behind him and sits down besides me. "Like I Said. I wanted to apologize. Of course I want you to be happy. But I was just pissed that you searched your happiness with the boy I love. Of course it was dumb and mean from me to ignore you like that and treat you like shit but that's what I do when I get hurt. I stop talking to people. I ignore them. I treat them like they don't deserve to be alive. You should've seen what I did to august so far... just because he leaked the video of me and Simon and destroyed everything I had with him. He destroyed my happiness. And in some kind of way I gave you the fault for it too. I thought you ruined my life by dating someone who doesn't even want me anymore..." woah. I never heard Wilhelm talk that much in a row.

He was actually sorry I could feel it. A smile grew on my face. I had my cousin back! I was happy of course but I still felt bad because I was dating Simon.

"Are you ok with me Dating Simon? Should I... you know break up with him or something like that?" I look at my skirt and start playing with it again.

"No! No no no no. That's not what I wanted to say with that. Of course you can date him. I mean he doesn't love me anymore so there's no point in trying anymore ok? Have fun. Be happy, be in love, have a great time." He smiled at me. But deep down I knew that he wasn't okay with it. Why would he be?

But like he said. There is no point in trying. When someone doesn't love you, the only good idea is to let the person go and wish them good luck.

I smiled back at him and stood up and walked to my door. "Is school already over? I have absolutely no motivation to go to any classes today!" I groan and glance at Wilhelm. He nodded. School was over.

"Yay! I just missed the whole school day because of you! I'm so thankful!" I hug him and we started laughing. "I have a question tho..." he starts talking and looks at me with a stern look. "Since when do you smoke..?"

My eyes grew wide. I forgot that I literllay smoked in front of him. I mean I knew that he takes drugs when he's a t party's and I know that he drinks a lot of alcohol but I also know that he hates smoking. It's not good for your lungs.

"Pff that was just a one time thing. I wanted to try something new. But puh it's disgusting. Don't worry I won't do it again." Well at least not In front of you. He nods at my words and walks out of my room with me.

The first thing I wanted to do now was finding Simon and talk to him. Tomorrow was this valentine ball thing I wanted to ask him if he wanted to come with me. I just hoped that he would say yes. I mean of course he would I'm his girlfriend if he says now I will strangle him.

I walked around the corridors, searching for the curly haired boy. But I couldn't find him anywhere. Where the hell was this stupid boy!?

I walked outside the building and kept searching until I saw him sitting on the tables searching for someone as well.

I ran up to him and sat down next to him. I gave him a quick kiss and started talking

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 - henry x OC (Young royals) Where stories live. Discover now