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"Soo I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to the ball with me.. I know that I actually had to write a poem for you or something like that but you know me and you know how lazy I am but I know that you wanted to go to that ball so why don't we go togehter? And I also know that the boy normally asks but I'm here for some change." I smile at him and look at him with an awaiting look on my face.

"Yeah of course I would go." He kisses me and I started to chuckle. I instantly stopped when I saw him staring deeply at me. "Do I have something in my face?" I asked and rubbed with my hand across my face but there was nothing.

He just laughed and shook his head. "No you're just... so beautiful." My eyes grew wide and I started to blush. I looked down to hide my red face from him but he just put his hand on my chin and pulled my face back up again.

"Look at me." He still looks at me with this love in his eyes. That's why I fell for him. This look. This eyes I just love everything about him.

"That's- ehm... thanks.. ehm just let's change the subject" I was clearly embarrassed but I wouldn't admit it to him because I know what he would think.

"I hope my dress will be pretty. I love old dresses but I won't wear a wig. My mother said she'll send me someone who will get my hair done for me. She has the perfect hair idea. I'm so excited... do you know what you will wear?" Simon just shakes his head. "Idk probably my uniform." He says and looks around the place.

"But that's boring!" I whine and grab his hand. I don't know why I grabbed his hand. I just felt like it. My love language was physical touch and he knew that so he didn't say anything when I started randomly taking his hands or hugging him.

"I know but I have to wear it either way when I sing so it doesn't matter to dress up as someone from the 18ths" he was right but I still thought it would be boring when I go out fully dressed up and he just wears his red boring unifrom that everyone wears.

"Yeah.. you're right." I mumble. I kiss him again and stand up. "I'm excited to hear your song tomorrow. I still don't know why you refuse to sing it to me. But tomorrow I can hear it and it doesn't matter what you say.

(Oh dear you will be hurt)

Suddenly his face lost all of its colour and he looks like he can't speak. "About that. Maybe we shouldn't go to that ball! I can't sing. I'm sick." He lies. Why does he lie to me? What's so bad about the song? He sings like an literal angel so what could be wrong with it.

"Simon why the hell am I not allowed to hear this damn song?" I stand in front of him and give him a stern look. I wanna know what is wrong with the song and why I can't hear it.

"It's nothing. Just forget it." He also stands up and walks away. I stand there pretty confused. I looked around just to see only trees and other tables and my boyfriend walking away from me.

Did we literally had our first fight because of an stupid song he wrote for the school? But I don't get it. If he wrote it for the school then why can't I hear it? I'm a part of the school or not?

I whine as I turn around and start walking to the dorms. I wanted to talk to Felice and the other because I haven't had any time for them the last weeks. I missed them and I wanted to tell them about everything that happened with Wilhelm and Simon.

I knocked at felices door and waited for her to open it. When she finally opened it I hugged her and stepped inside.

"Look who decided to come back." I hear Stella say. I flipp her off and gave her a sarcastic smile while I sat down on felices bed. Her bed was so comfortable. If I could I would steal it.

"Are you here to flex with your perfect relationship?" Felice says and sits down next to me. "Of course! That's the only thing. Right." We all started laughing at my words.

(That wasn't even funny but we don't care)

"No actually I had my first fight with my 'perfect boyfriend'" everyone looks at me in shock. "Oh my god why!?" Felice asks and looks like she wants to know every little detail of my love life.

"Well we talked about the ball tomorrow and we talked about the fact that I'm going to hear his song tomorrow but then he said that he's sick and that he can't sing and he try's everything so I can't hear this damn song and I don't know why. Anddd I know that you're in the Chor so I wanted to ask you about the song Felice" suddenly Felice had the same expression Simon had when I asked him about the song.

"Well I actually don't know anything of the song. I skipped every Chor lesson we had... sorry" she was also lying. I'm getting sick of these lying bitches but yeah what do you want to do when they refuse to be honest with you.

"Wow thank you." I mumble and now I clearly look pissed. I hate it when people lie to me.

"Yeah I'm sorry... let's talk about something else! Did you get a poem from Simon?" She asks me very excited. Stella, Sara and the others suddenly become a part of the conversation.

I just shake my head. "No but I will go to the ball with Simon of course. And you guys?" I look at all of them. I wanted to know which boy they go to the ball with.

But I just found out that they all go togehter because they weren't interested in any of the boys. I nodded. They had a fair point I mean it was understandable.

"But Wilhelm asked me." Felice Said. Wilhelm asked her to go to the ball with him? I mean that they both had a moment before Henry walked in and stopped them.

(Very thankful my love)

But I didn't know it was an official thing.

"He thought the rumours about me would stop them but I told him that it just would get worse and he understood. I think he's going alone now." Oh that was kinda sad for Wilhelm...

We continued to talk for the rest of the night and I decided to sleep at the girls dorm.

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 - henry x OC (Young royals) Where stories live. Discover now