The Tenth

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Standing in front of the huge double doors, Byeol hesitated. What if no one talked to her? What if she spent her lunch completely alone like last time? But she's already transferred ten schools, so this shouldn't been too hard...

Then why wasn't she moving?

Byeol took a deep breath, readjusted her backpack, checked the time on her phone, and slowly pushed open the door. The loud chatter of high schoolers socializing before school started filled the hallways. She looked up at the tall, peach walls decorated with club posters and spirit week reminders. As she walked by the what looked like the music wing, she couldn't help but keep an eye out for the dance studio. Byeol had heard of the famous dance team, but only juniors and seniors were allowed to audition. Hopefully she wouldn't move again within the next few months; she really wanted to try out.

The bell rang, causing Byeol to jump in her place. She looked at the schedule in her phone again. First period, she had English in room 3037. She looked at the door number closest to her. 1017. Testing out a theory, she walked up the stairs to the second floor. Surely enough, she found the 2000s. Byeol returned to the staircase and went to the top floor, then started walking through the hallways. 3001, 3003... but the hallway ended at 3010. With a sigh, she turned around and retraced her steps, then went into a different hallway.

Why doesn't this school have a map? She thought to herself. After a few minutes, she finally found the 3030s. Her pace slowed down as she looked for 3037.


The bell sounded loudly, making Byeol panic. She didn't want to be late on her first day! Especially when it's only her first day and everyone else's, like, 87th day. Quickly reaching the right classroom, she walked in.

Byeol couldn't tell if the classroom was actually big or if the number of empty starts made it seem that way. She felt some eyes turn, but more started landing on her when friends started telling friends about the new girl. Byeol pursed a smile and found herself a seat somewhere in the middle.

After the announcements- photography club during lunch, spirit week starts next Monday, don't forget to donate to the food drive- the teacher got up from his desk and addressed the class. He was a short man with white hair and thick glasses that shone in a way where you couldn't see his eyes. He was dressed in a blue button-down shirt and brown slacks, with black shoes that clicked loudly whenever he walked. Byeol glanced at her schedule, where it told her his name was Mr. Adams.

He started to explain some information about a project everyone was working on. Byeol tried to understand, but everyone obviously had gotten the initial briefing before her, so nothing made sense. Once he dismissed the class, Byeol felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to face a smiling, pretty girl with long, styled blonde hair and huge acrylic nails.

"Hi! Are you new?" She asked cheerfully, and Byeol nodded. "My name is Elaena. What's your name?"

"I'm-" the new girl squeaked, then cleared her throat. "I'm Byeol."

"Hi, Byeol!" Elaena grinned, revealing perfect teeth framed with soft red lipstick. "Where did you move from?"

Byeol opened her mouth to answer when a voice from behind interrupted her.

"Hey," It was a boy with bangs almost covering his eyes. He was kind of handsome, wore an oversized sweater and black jeans, and Byeol could've sworn Elaena stiffened a little. The boy said in a low and accented voice, "The teacher's calling you."

"Oh, okay." Byeol glanced at Elaena, who suddenly looked really invested in her work, and made her way over to Mr. Adams' table. The old man smiled sweetly when he noticed new face.

"Pull up that chair, honey," he pointed to an empty seat, and she did as he said. "Byeol, right?" The brunette nodded, playing with the ends of her long, wavy hair. He continued on to explain some details about the school, when lunch was, how the schedule sometimes changes and that Byeol should check the school website often. Then, he talked about the project everyone was working on. Since Byeol just joined, Mr. Adams decided to give her an extra week to work on it. Basically, it was a short personal narrative focusing on some figurative language and other elements they were studying. It didn't sound too hard.

"If you need any assistance, you can always ask any of the students here. Everyone is super nice!" He smiled, then pointed at Byeol's desk. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but Elaena is my best student. She'd be happy to help!" Byeol nodded a thank you as he handed her a bunch of papers and said she should start working.

When Byeol returned to her seat, she tapped Elaena's shoulder. "Do you, um, sit with anyone during lunch?"

"Oh, I'm actually going over to my friend's house today. We're allowed to leave the campus during lunch. If you want, you can join!" Byeol strained a smile and shook her head politely. No need to get abducted on my first day in Canada.

"It's okay, thanks. So, for the project..."

English class finished fairly quickly. Byeol was able to get half of the planning worksheet done before the bell rang. When it did, she put all her papers in the new folder as Elaena asked about Byeol's next class.

"I have..." Byeol glanced at her phone, slinging her backpack over one shoulder as they walked out of the class. "Chemistry in room 2017. Do you know where that is?"

"Second floor. I have history, so I'm off in a different direction." The boy from earlier passed by them, shoulder brushing lightly against Byeol's in the crammed hallways. Elaena pointed at him.

"Hey, follow Ten. He has chem next as well." Byeol nodded, about to head off when she suddenly furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wait, Ten? Like the number?" Byeol asked, turning to look at Elaena, but the latter was already gone. Byeol glanced around for the boy in the sweater again, not wanting to miss the easiest ticket to her next class through this maze of a school. She spotted 'Ten' and quickly caught up, following him down a set of stairs.

The bell rang as she walked into the class, trying to find an empty seat. Everyone was already in their places, so she had to sit somewhere in the back. Byeol set down her stuff and took out a notebook, like she saw everyone else was doing, and spotted a familiar face in the seat next to her. It was Ten, curiously examining Byeol. They broke eye contact as soon as they made it, and Byeol doodled in the corner of her page while the boy tapped at his phone.

Ten, Byeol pondered as the chemistry teacher started talking about yet another project. What a strange name.

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