Pillow Fight

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Ten heard quiet laughter from the kitchen as he walked in with a yawn. He was first blinded by the view outside, then his jaw dropped at the view inside. Byeol was sitting on the counter with her arms around Taeyong's neck, who had his arms around her waist, talking with their faces just inches apart. They were grinning at each other. It was pretty cute.

"I don't like her, he said." Ten cut in suddenly and the two looked towards him, startled, with wide eyes. Taeyong stepped back out of surprise and Byeol moved her arms away. She turned a deep shade of red and quickly looked at the ground, unable to hide her smile.

"She's not my type, he said." Ten continued, walking closer to a flustered Taeyong with a pointed look and a smirk.

"Well... I guess I was lying..." Taeyong mumbled as he scratched his neck and Ten laughed, shoving the taller boy playfully.

"I told you! Both of you! I knew all along! Haha!" Ten grinned and the two joined in, looking at each other. "Wait till I tell everyone else- wait, is it official?" He asked suddenly, looking at the couple. They glanced at each other.

"Um... yeah?" Taeyong raised his eyebrow at Byeol and she nodded with a grin.

"Yeah," She responded back, glancing at Ten who was looking at them with an adoring smile.

"OH MY GOD, YES!!! BASTARDS, WAKE UP!!!" Ten yelled as he ran out the kitchen. Taeyong and Byeol smiled at each other, then hesitantly followed the energetic boy.

"Go away, Ten." Chenle mumbled, burying his face into Jisung's shoulder.

"NO!" Ten yelled, then grabbed the pillows he could find and threw them at the boys' faces. Byeol and Taeyong bursted into laughter as the other groggily woke up.

"What do you want?!" Jungwoo whined as he pulled his blanket to his nose and barely opened his eyes.

"I present to you.... TAEBYEOL!" Ten grinned as he gestured towards the two. He was so happy for them! Byeol agreeing to be with Taeyong meant she must've finally gotten over San! Or at least accepted whatever happened. And Taeyong finally got his first girlfriend!!

"What?" Xiaojun rubbed his eyes and peered closer at the two.

"They're so cute, aren't they?! I called it from the very beginning! Jaemin, you owe me the twenty dollars now!" Ten rambled.

"Oh my gosh, stop," Byeol mumbled as she hid her face behind Taeyong's shoulder. All the attention was too much. All the other boys, who were more or less awake by now, gasped at that action.

"Wait, you're not lying..." Yangyang sat up. His surprised expression gradually grew into a huge smile.

"Of course I wasn't lying!" Ten folded his arms victoriously. "Jaemin, I'm waiting!"

"Please don't tell me you actually made a bet over me and Byeol." Taeyong pinched the bridge of his nose with a pained expression.

"I'll pay you once I wake up," Jaemin said groggily and pulled his blanket over his face.

"Bozo!" Ten grabbed another pillow and whacked Jaemin right on his butt.

"Dude! My sexy butt!" Jaemin complained and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it at Ten.

"Pillow fight!!!" Jisung grabbed another one and chucked it across the room at Taeyong's head. His eyes widened and he ran away in fear.

"Come back here, you big baby!" Taeyong ran after him and Byeol chuckled at all the boys dissolving into playful fighting. She suddenly felt a pillow hit her on the back and she turned to face Xiaojun with a childish grin on his face.

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