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Byeol was slowly getting used to the place after a week. Their new house was almost fully furnished now, and Byeol had put up her usual decorations of stars and pictures over the weekend. She finally caught up on the projects she had been assigned and though she got extended due dates, she was able to finish them fairly quickly.

After that day when Byeol and Ten had first practiced together, they've been hanging out a lot more. Initially, Ten did it because he wanted Jaehyun to give up and hopefully not play the new girl. But eventually he realized that Byeol is the first girl he's met who isn't all heart-eyes and kill-me-he's-so-handsome over him. And her passion for dance is something new altogether. His friends and him love to dance, sure, but coming from an unexperienced girl who really wanted to get better... it was cool.

And as for Byeol, she's just thrilled to have a friend. Ten and her have three classes together, but he's introduced her to some of his other friends who can help her in other classes. Elaena invited her over a few times, but Byeol was a little too reserved for that. Besides, she's seen Elaena's friends. They're all makeup and gossip- definitely not Byeol's type.

"Hello? Earth to Byeol?" Ten's faraway voice finally registered in Byeol's mind and she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" She mumbled, then blinked a few times.

"I really thought I lost you there," Ten chuckled and glanced outside the windows. The two of them were in the dance studio again, currently taking a break after a long practice session.

"Sorry," Byeol smiled, looking outside as well. "I got lost in thought."

"What were you thinking about?" Ten asked.

"Just the move and how things have been settling down the past week," Byeol replied simply. Ten hummed in response.

"I moved here from Thailand when I was in fourth grade. Lived here ever since." He said.

"My gosh, six years?" Byeol turned to him, genuinely surprised. He nodded. She continued, "I've never lived in one place for more than two and a half... maybe three years?" Byeol confessed, and Ten widened his eyes. "What's it like to live in one place for so long?"

"It... it gets boring after some time." Ten said honestly. "But I have lots of friends and Mark and Johnny keep bringing more into our group. With all of them, things are always crazy." Ten shrugged and Byeol chuckled. They stayed in silence for another moment as the light orange leaves flew around outside. It was halfway through November, which meant winter was approaching. The sun still shone brightly over the bare trees, reflecting beautifully off the autumn-colored leaves.

As if reading her thoughts, Ten said, "It's so pretty outside, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it is," Byeol agreed, her eyes shining.

"Wanna grab coffee before we go home?" Ten asked. "I can call one of my friends as well if you feel like meeting someone new."

"Oh, I dunno..." Byeol broke eye contact, looking at her phone. "I have some homework I have to do, actually. The English assignment." She added, turning back to Ten, who gasped.

"Wait, I forgot all about that!" Ten straightened up, eyes wide. "When is it due?"

Byeol raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow-"

"Oh my gosh, I'm screwed, I didn't work on it at all this entire week-" Ten stood up and started to panic, pacing back and forth in front of Byeol. "Did you start it yet? Is it hard?"

"Relax, Ten," Byeol laughed. "It's not hard! Go home and work on it, I'm sure you'll be done soon."

He looked unconvinced but took her word for it. "Alright..." he muttered. They ended with some stretches and Byeol drank some water as Ten disconnected his laptop from the speakers and put it in his bag. As they walked outside together, a voice from the left suddenly stopped them.

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