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here's a christmas special because i love you all soooooo much!! grab your hot chocolate, cuz this one's a doozy–

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"A BAG OF COAL?! KIM DOYOUNG I KNOW FOR A FACT THIS WAS YOU, YOU LITTLE–" Jaehyun sprung to his feet and ran over to the black-haired boy currently laughing his head off as the former tried to tackle him with soot-covered hands.

"Guys, it's literally the oh so very very holy Christmas Day. Is it so hard to go even one hour without cursing at each other?" Jisung mumbled with a half-smile as he delicately pulled the wrapping off of an odd-shaped present.

"It's impossible, aegi! " Taeil mocked, making the younger pout– but that expression quickly changed into one of joy at the sight of the cute snow globe he had just unveiled. A closer look at the initials engraved at the bottom caused his eyes to land on Kun, who smiled to confirm that he was indeed Jisung's Secret Santa.

"WHO gave me this?!" Byeol's jaw dropped as she picked up a very elaborate assorted kit of hot chocolate. Her eyes scanned the room twice before locking on a very alert-looking Yangyang sitting right next to her.

"Um, Byeol–" he was ready to start rambling to save his butt before she surprised him by throwing her arms around him, engulfing him in a bone-crushing hug.

"I LOVE IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" She giggled, causing the boy to relax with a happy sigh.

"You're welcome! Now get off before Taeyong murders me, please–" He whispered lowly, making the girl burst into laughter and sneak a glance at the mentioned boy.

"... you remembered!" He was gleefully beaming at Ten, holding a pair of white shoes in his hands with a kit of stickers and permanent markers laying by the side.

The whole group went on opening the cluster of gifts surrounding the giant Christmas tree in the living room of Chenle's house as Mrs. Zhong finished up making breakfast. The smells of scrumptious vanilla pancakes, French toast, cinnamon rolls, bread pudding, and omelettes lured the kids into the kitchen, some holding their gifts in their hands and everyone leaving a whole mess of wrapping paper behind.

"Dibs on window!" Jaemin called as they tried to settle themselves around the huge dining table.

"Dibs next to Taeyong!" Ten shouted next, and Byeol's eyes widened.

"Chittaphon Lee Chaiyapornkul, I am going to freaking murder you–"

"–It's okay, Byeolie, there's another chair on the other side of me you know–" Taeyong tried to interfere, but the two friends were keen on messing with each other.

"Tae, he's doing it on purpose!!" She whined, attacking Ten with tickles until he couldn't breathe.

"Okay, guys, breakfast is ready! No more horseplay!" Mrs. Zhong announced and everyone calmed down; Ten and Byeol not forgetting to exchange one last menacing glare at each other. Everyone indulged in the delicious food, chatting loudly with mouths full.

"Ten, lemme see the pictures from last night," Taeyong asked, referring to the huge Christmas sleepover that the whole gang had. They played in the snow for the entire evening, then commenced to the regular sleepover games (truth or dare, pillow fights, arm wrestling that even Byeol was pulled into, etc.) until no one had energy left for anything but a Hallmark movie marathon that ran until 4:30 am.

Taeyong and Byeol quietly giggled at the picture of Mark and Haechan sleeping together in each other's arms, then glanced at the same pair who were arguing their heads off in the current moment. Mark noticed the way the couple was looking at them and questioned Taeyong about it- eventually pulling the purple haired boy also into the heated argument.

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