Chapter Three: A Visitor in the Caverns

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The five arrived at the Unikingdom's official network of caverns, a group of deep caves home to a variety of gleaming minerals. The metallic shine of the cave's walls could reach their eyes from five feet away. A sign that read, Voted Top Tourist Attraction For 4 Consecutive Years! was mounted in the grass next to the entrance. Besides those who came to explore, some people paid them a visit to collect some of their hearty, glistening rocks, be that to ornament a shelf in their home or utilize them in some way. Dr. Fox had suggested the gang gather up some to fuel her shimmer engines. Her latest contraptions, they powered the illuminated floats for an electric glow parade that was planned to be held after sundown on the day of the festival. If Dr. Fox's calculations were accurate, they'd light up the night so spectacularly that the citizens would stay awake in awe of the display.

"We're finally here!" Puppycorn said as he entered. "I can't wait to eat the soda steam!"

"I hope I can find some tough rocks to crack for training." Hawkodile went inside as well.

Dr. Fox followed close behind. "I've been wanting to revisit these caves for a long time now."

"And I just hope no one gets impaled by dripstone," Richard mused, putting on a helmet.

"Okay! Let's get going!" Unikitty said, tagging along.

The perpetual twinkling of the wall and floor gave them the mesmerizingly peaceful feeling of walking under a clear, starry night sky. They nearly believed that the sun had suddenly run away. Iridescent stalactite protruded down from the top like it was fallen stardust clumping together as it entered the atmosphere. Stalagmite rose from the floor with that same colorful glimmer, a mirrored reflection of the pointed stone right above it. The echoes of the gang's voices resonated perfectly.

"Aren't they spectacular?" Dr. Fox asked the others, amazed. "I'm going to collect samples of every rock formation and study them for science!"

"No you're not. You're going to let the FLOATS study them so we can have lights for the parade," Rick reminded her.

"Oh, right. The parade. It's fine. I'll come back after the festival and collect them then! I just know I'll be in my lab, doing nothing but research all summer long!"

Hawkodile, who happened to hear that statement, raised an eyebrow. "Uh... what?"

Richard and Dr. Fox took out pickaxes from the wagon and began to dig up the rocks in one of the designated sections for mining. Perhaps out of an overload of enthusiasm, Dr. Fox speedily licked the first stone she unearthed. For Hawkodile, a pick wasn't needed when you had a pair of hefty, thunderous fists at your disposal. Puppycorn carried a pick in his mouth, casually wandering around, his eyes jumping from one interesting thing to another.

Captivated by the stellar way they shimmered, Unikitty followed the twinkling lights deeper into the tunnels of the network. Up on the ceiling, a colony of bats were all hanging closely together, having themselves a cuddle party. Somewhere behind her, she heard falling droplets of water plop on a small pool. Little squeaks from the bats came at just the right moments between plops. The swinging, quick-paced rhythm they created was backed by the clickety-clack of a distant minecart and topped with the frequent chime of an antique bell. She found her paws stepping back and forth in time with the cave's boppy ambience. The tempo was buoyant and perfectly moderate; not too fast, not too slow. Just right for Unikitty.

She danced further in, but her groove was abruptly thrown off by a gush of steam. A wisp of magenta gas rose close to her face, and from its popping, sweet scent, she could immediately tell what it was. "Hey, Puppycorn! I found the soda steam!"

Puppycorn, eager to get a taste of it, zipped over to his sister way faster than she expected. Together, they frolicked around the subterranean spring as pink steam puffs tickled their sides. Puppycorn stopped above a hole in the ground to let the steam rise into his mouth. When something crackled and popped on his tongue, his eyes widened.

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