Chapter Six: Meanwhile...

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In a lifeless, barren wasteland, where clouds gathered in the dim, gray sky and industry covered the land instead of vegetation, a distant city groaned with boredom and melancholy. In contrast to the Unikingdom, the people here were way too busy working to do anything else, sitting around in their cars with their faces hanging low, and trudging around the street glumly, just as they did every other day. No one seemed to be having any semblance of a good time except for Master Frown.

Beneath his dark purple blanket, he was curled up in bed reading a novel with a flashlight. The prose of this book was designed to sink your heart, and its storyline saddened more and more as it went on, but he didn't mind. In fact, a book about an unlucky spearman whose life was spiraling completely out of control was right up his alley. After a quick breakfast, he immediately went back to his room to dive into it. He was now 12 chapters in. Eager to watch as the so-called "hero" of the story suffered, he grinned as the pain, sorrow, and malice unfolded. He cackled as the doom and despair soaked in.

When he was least expecting them to, his lover and best friend Brock came into the room with a younger, shorter figure behind him. She'd come the night before to sleep over at their apartment, and both he and Brock had tried to straighten it up as best they could for her. Master Frown jumped as soon as Brock pulled the blanket off of his bluish-black cloak. At least they didn't interrupt before he could finish reading a sentence.

"Brock, what was THAT for?!" he fumed. "You messed up the dramatic flare of my summer reading! Everyone knows it's better when you read it under your blanket!"

"I'm really sorry about that, dude," Brock apologized. "It's just that Imogen and I almost forgot to tell you some things."

"Is Master Doom finally giving me a promotion?" Master Frown asked eagerly.

"No, she isn't," the teenage girl replied as his face fell. "Today, you were supposed to pay your overdue library fines."

Frown gave her a frustrated look. "Why can't you do it?"

"I don't have the money, okay? It's not exactly easy to get a job around here," Imogen reminded him.

"Then go out and try to get one, you dork," Frown said to her, even though he totally knew what she was talking about. Putting people down for his own amusement had only become a tendency of his.

"You really wanna go there, don't ya?!" she yelled at him, pretending to roll up the sleeves of her rich purple sorceress's cloak.

"You know what? How 'bout I make an omelet out of you?!" Frown shot back as they squared up. He slapped Imogen in her cerulean face, knocking her glasses off. Immediately after she picked them up, she snuck around behind him and pushed him to the floor. He rolled himself over, kicking the cloud-like design at the bottom of her cloak as if trying to trip her.

"Cut it out!" Brock cried, shoving the two away from each other. If he hadn't done that, a few of Imogen's braced teeth might have been knocked out. "Dude, quit trying to pick on her. Need I remind you, she's still getting to know us!"

Now that Imogen had gotten acquainted with the two and was regularly coming over to hang out with them, Brock and Master Frown had gotten up off their rumps to disable Frown's booby traps, vacuum their thick, grandpa-beard-like carpet, and clean the bathroom... by spraying it with air freshener. All that time, Brock had continuously reminded Master Frown to not get on her irritable side. After she arrived, he gave him a concerned look when he tried to swipe her wand as a joke.

"But she wants me to cough up money she could get herself!" Frown puffed, standing up.

"I didn't say that, did I?" said Imogen.

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