Chapter Nine: Beneath the Bleachers

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Master Frown, Brock and Imogen searched underneath the bleachers of the soccer field. Dozens of other people were standing around, walking from one side to the other, or running to the bathroom while they still had a chance to go. On the left hand side, a snack bar they hadn't noticed before was open, and already, a long line extended out halfway to the right hand side. The poor souls in the back would probably be waiting far beyond the fifteen-minute halftime. That was where most of the spilled snacks came from. Master Frown's mouth watered at the sight of some sour gummy worms, but he and his friends weren't going to find that mysterious dog by waiting in a line.

As he moved away from the snack bar, a group of people running toward one of the poles stopped him dead in his path. It was hard to tell what was going on from behind the growing throng, but most of them had their cell phones and cameras out, and their excited squeals shook the air.

"I can't believe it's actually them!" Master Frown could hear. "They're my favorite!"

"They're just going to the bathroom to..." someone else said. He couldn't make out the rest.

He led the other two around the pole. Now that whoever had emerged from the other side was gone, they had some space to easily pass through. Master Frown still pushed and shoved his way through, even tripping somebody at one point. "OUTTA MY WAY!" he shouted.

That led them over to the next closest pole, where Imogen glanced up at Master Frown. She'd been planning what she was about to say to him for maybe the entire first half of the game. She internally went over it again one more time to make sure it was right at the front of her mind. From what she'd seen of him so far, Frown was as abrasive as sandpaper, and his apartment's walls were constantly stained with unidentifiable muck. Even so, she'd seen him treat putting the groceries in the trunk of his car like it was bringing home a lost pirate's treasure. When she spotted him out on the basketball court, he'd try to win like he was a wizard taming a dragon. He didn't seem to have any worries or concerns that his items would fall out of the bags, or that he'd miss the hoop. If he listened to her, he'd probably show her how to let go of hers.

"Hey... what's up, Master Frown?" she asked him, her heart already sinking.

"You know what's 'up.' I'm trying to find this mystery dog," he replied. "What's up with YOU?"

"I wanted to..." Imogen's words began to slip away, but she caught them like a quick levitation spell caught a falling fragile item just before it shattered. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened before... before we came. It wasn't exactly my fault, but I didn't want things to heat up like that. Could we possibly make up?"

"I'm Master Frown! I don't tussle with somebody and then make up!"

"I get that. You're all about stirring up trouble. But I don't want to fight with you like that again! You're a really fun guy! We are friends, right?"

Master Frown perked up as if he was about to say something, but he then looked away from her, his eyes narrowing.

"Look, if you want, I can ask my parents to help you pay your fines, just this once," Imogen offered.

"She meant you no harm, dude. Just chillness," Brock chimed in when he caught up with them. "She just wants to feel more welcome at our place."

Slowly, Master Frown turned around. After about nine very anxious seconds, during which Imogen bit her lip, he gave them a response. "Fine. I guess we're cool."

"Like, cool-cool?" asked Imogen.

"Yeah. Coolness."

Imogen could detect a tiny little smile on Frown's face, which eased the tension in her arms.

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