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Jennie's POV

I despise the first day of school... To be honest, I despise school in general. Why do we have to interact with others just to get through our school years? Can we just stop giving a fuck about each other and move along?

"Honey, don't frown so much," my mum says to me as I sit in the passenger seat of her car.

"Am I supposed to smile all the time, mum?" I ask, trying not to sound impolite.. despite the fact that it occurs naturally

"Alright, I'm not going to argue," she said as she came to a halt as we approached the school, "text me if you made friends and want to go home with them."

"It's as if you're saying I'll grow a penis on my forehead.. very impossible mum," I said as I retrieved my bag from the backseat.

"Fine, go smart ass woman," she said, shaking her head.

Before stepping out, I unbuckled my seatbelt and hugged her.

The way these people are staring at me makes it appear as though I do have a penis on my forehead.

I sigh and proceed to the building's entrance.

Can they just pretend they don't see me?

"Hello-" a man says, but I walk right past him. What the fuck does he want?

"Hey!" says another guy as he walks alongside me. What's the deal with men's perfume? Very strong and foul-smelling. "My name is Jack; what is yours?" He confidently ask. I remained silent and continued walking, making sure there was a large gap between us so it didn't appear that we were walking together. "Hey, I'm asking you, and haven't I already given you my name?"

"Could you have asked if I wanted to talk first?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Well, that's not necessary," he explained.

"It's also not necessary for you to speak," I added before swerving inside the administration office to fetch my timetable.

"Holy mother of pumpkins... you're here too?" I turned to look at the familiar voice and saw Jisoo also waiting for her timetable.

"That's a friendly greeting," I said. Jisoo is probably the only person I don't mind having around because our parents are friends and I've known her since primary school.

"Name?" inquires a member of the staff.

"Jennie Kim," I said as I stood next to Jisoo.

"I swear, people will think I'm rude the entire first semester," Jisoo says. People don't talk to Jisoo as much in primary school because they believe we have the same attitude. Jisoo enjoys making new friends, but she also enjoys being alone. Which leads me to believe that the fact that we have always been together since then has been beneficial to her. Before either of us can say anything else, a woman enters, dragging another woman inside.

"Aren't we late?" asks the blonde woman.

"Who starts class so early on the first day?" asks the other woman. Can they be quieter? It's too early to be speaking so loudly and energetically. Jisoo waved a packet of her iced coffee in front of my face, drawing my attention away from those two individuals.

"What?" I inquire.

"I'm just showing off," she explained. I don't always understand her.

"Jisoo," the administrator says, and Jisoo walks over to excuse herself so she can pass by those two women in front of us. She then got her timetable and wanted to leave, but I glared at her.

"Are you a baby? You can walk," Jisoo remarks as she returns to her place beside me.

"Park Chaeyoung," the administrator says, and the lady in front grabs her timetable. Why the hell did they process her first when I was here first?

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