chapter 13.

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Previous chapter.

Taehyung - no.. Don't do that I want to kiss you so bad.

Previous chapter end.

( Before starting this chapter I wanted to tell you that I am changing some names..

Mr. Malhotra - y/d
Mrs. Malhotra - y/m
Mr. Kim - t/d
Mrs. Kim - t/m
Yn's grandma - y/g
Taehyung's grandpa - t/g

Doubt clear. )

Let's go now.


Unknowingly Provoked the beast inside him.


An pov.

Everyone was sitting in dining area no one was speaking expect eating but suddenly t/d spoke.

T/d - so.. Kids we wanna tell you all something.

Rishi - what is it uncle?...

T/d - from tomorrow we are gonna start the wedding preparations...

Aera and Rishi - really!?!??..

Y/d - calm down kids.. We said preparations not tomorrow is wedding...*chuckles*

Lisa - so..what we all are gonna do first?..

Lisa asked being so excited about it then t/m spoke.

T/m - 1st we need to do shopping for engagement..tomorrow you all kids will go to mall for that.. And I want no excuses..not even one.

Y/m - and we elder are going temple as we have some ritual to do...tomorrow we elder will go..than before one day of engagement we all will go for Ganesh that.

Y/g - and sid no work for whole months and if I see someone working then I'll kick him or her out of house.

T/g - me 7 young boys..and you dare to touch your work.

Taehyung - but grandpa I have work..and I have to take care of mafia work too.

T/g - well.. Sid also do but did he said something...huh... You brat!! dare you talk back to me??..say one more word and I'll throw you in your own basement where you torcher peoples...

Everyone went silent and taehyung's friends silently laughed as well as you too..taehyung glare at his friends.

But j-hope point somewhere taehyung follows where he did and saw you are also laughing silently as his cheek got red in embarrassment.

Taehyung - fine.. But I will do it at night when I'll be free from all things Atleast give that much.

Sid - yes.. Mom.. We also have works plz.. Try to understand.

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