A Special Assignment

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Izuku awakens at his apartment, still in his Spider-Man suit. He takes it off, puts it back in it's place, takes a shower, and gets ready to leave to a diner. He decides to walk down, and orders eggs, bacon, toast, and a cup of coffee. As he waits, Momo walks into the diner, with a few bodyguards beside her, and orders her breakfast as well. As she turns to sit down, she sees Izuku, halfway asleep. She sits next to him, and waits for him to open his eyes. The waitress wakes him up, and he gets startled by Momo smiling at him.

Izuku: "Oh mon Dieu! You scared the hell out of me!"

Momo: "Did you just speak French?"

Izuku: "Yes. Yes I did. How do you know where I am all the time? Do you stalk me or something?"

Momo: "Izuku. Me and you have taken the same cable car, and eaten at the same diner for 2 years. It's just obvious."

Izuku: "Whatever you say stalker."

He tries to drink his coffee, only Momo to punch his arm.

Izuku: "OWW!! Jesus you hit hard."

Momo: "I'm NOT a stalker."

Izuku: "Fine fine. I'll take your word for it. So, how are you? After what happened last night?"

Momo: "I'm alright. Saiko's going to be staying with me for a while though. Poor girls been through alot in just a few hours."

Izuku: "I swear, once I find Neito, I'm gonna-"

Momo: "Send him to me so I can teach him some manners."

Izuku: "...........That works too. And probably a little more legal than mine."

Momo: "Speaking of legal, I've got some news for you!"

Izuku: "What's that?"

Momo: "I'm signing up to be your partner at the station!"

Izuku chokes on his bacon, and falls to the ground about to pass out. He clears his throat and sits back up, looking at Momo suprised.

Izuku: "Uhhhh,ummmmm, what about your hero training? You can't be both."

Momo: "Yes you can Izuku! Shoto does the same, and so does Bakuhoe!"

Izuku: "You mean Bakugo?"

Momo (Dark Voice): "I KNOW WHAT I SAID."

Izuku: "Riiiiiiiight....anyways it's probably not the best course of action for you."

Momo: "Why?"

Izuku: "You're under a lot of pressure as it is, which will get worse if you join the Force, your sleep schedule will get messed up, and there's a bunch of other reasons. Just trust me Momo. It's a bad idea."

An hour later

Shota: "I think this is a good idea."

Izuku: "Shit."

Shota: "Becoming a part of the ECPD can really help you out with hero work. You do less training, and you'll already know what laws to follow regarding your Quirk usage. Plus it could actually help you and Shoto get out of this arranged marriage situation you two have."

Izuku's eyes widened hearing about an arranged marriage.

Izuku: "You're getting married?"

Momo: "*Sigh* If something doesn't happen soon, then yes. Me and Shoto won't have a choice within three months, but something could happen if I join the Force."

Izuku: "Ohhhhh.....makes sense now."

Izuku: 'What's this feeling? Am I......jealous?'

????: "That won't be happening daughter!"

Momo turns around to see her father and mother, walking into the office, with an important looking paper, multiple stacks of money, and a dozen bodyguards.

Momo: "Mother? Father? What're you two doing here?"

Mrs. Yaoyorozu: "We came here to discuss something extremely important. Chief Aizawa, we were at the attack at Jameson Manor last night, and we overheard that Tombstone wanted something with our precious Momo!"

Shota: "Did they specifically say what will happen to her?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Yes. They plan to kill here."

The station goes quiet, and everyone stares at the Yaoyorozu family. Izuku leaves and closes the door to give them all privacy.

Shota: "Why do they wanna kill her? Why not one of you two?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Something happened a long time ago. Something that Tombstone wants payback for, and he'll probablyus my daughter as a way for him to enact his revenge."

Shota: "So what happened?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "I'm sorry Chief, but I can't answer that. All we ask is for our daughter to be granted protection from Tombstone."

Shota: "Alright then. I'll assign an officer to stay with her."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Todoroki. Assign him."

Shota: "I can't. Shoto's involved in the Tactical Strike Force for the next four years. If I assign him to protect her, than she'll practically have no one to protect her."

Ms. Yaoyorozu: "Then who can you assign?"

Shota: "Izuku! Come back in!"

Izuku enters, seeing everyone staring at him.

Shota: "Midoriya, I'm assigning you to protect the Yaoyorozu girl."

Izuku (Confused): "What?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu (Mad): "WHAT!?!?"

Momo (Excited): "WHAT!?!?"

Izuku: "Wha...I-I-I-I-I don't think I'm really the safest person for Momo!"


Shota: "Midoriya's more than capable of protecting Momo."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "But he's-"

Izuku: "Go on......finish that."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Uhhhh...."

Shota: "Stand down Izuku. It doesn't matter if Izuku doesn't have a Quirk, he's smart, resourceful, and he's a damn good shot. If you don't want Izuku, then it looks like your daughter's going to be without protection."

Mr. Yaoyorozu looks back and fourth at Izuku and Shota for a while, before letting out a long sigh.

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Fine."

Mrs. Yaoyorozu: "Thank you Mr. Midoriya. Please keep my daughter safe."

Izuku: "I give you my word."

Mrs. Yaoyorozu gives her daughter a long hug, before leaving with Mr. Yaoyorozu, who simply nods before leaving.

Momo: "We'll.....you can stay at my place if you want."

Izuku: "Yeah. Just let me get some stuff from my place."

Momo: "I don't have two bedrooms, so you can sleep in my bed with me."

Izuku stares at Momo, turns dark red, bleeds from his nose, and falls over backwards, completely passed out.

Shota: "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

Momo  and Shota laugh, both knowing full well that she did that on purpose.

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