Lunch Break

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Lunch Break

It's that precious hour of reprieve between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., meant for a pause in the relentless rhythm of an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift. A time to savor your meal, to appreciate each bite, and to let the flavors dance on your tongue.

It's supposed to be a moment of freedom—when you can watch that movie you've been meaning to see, call someone you care about, or simply chat with others about their day and the food they're enjoying.

But reality often transforms this ideal into a fleeting respite. Lunch breaks become a race against the clock. You're lucky if you get even 20 minutes to truly enjoy your meal and relax. More often, you're down to 10 minutes, or even 5, where every second counts. You gulp down mouthfuls of rice and adobo, trying to force the food down with sips of water, as you wish time would slow down. The rush makes your eyes heavy, and you struggle to keep the frustration and tears at bay.

When the bell rings, signaling the end of your break, you glance at the food your mom lovingly prepared. It's a meal you barely tasted, a lunch left unfinished. You close your eyes and silently wonder, "When will I truly get a break?"

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