Euphoria as my Melancholy

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Euphoria as My Melancholy

As I watch the sky each night, I whisper, "I can't believe it; I've come so far." I've battled asteroids that threatened to shatter me, yet I persevered. The glowing orbs above—the stars—witnessed my journey to be with you. Two entities collided as one. For years, I've traversed the universe; it hasn't been easy, but with you, I navigated through it all and discovered the beauty within every tragedy.

Each morning, I face the world's madness, burdened by an incomprehensible weight. It often feels as though I'm trapped in an endless black hole. Then you appeared, showing me that madness is what makes the world turn; what we call "love." I fell madly in love with you.

But then you left.

I never realized how heavy the battle with asteroids could be. The stars above witnessed my anguish as I cried and shouted, overwhelmed by emotions I couldn't name. The two entities that once collided as one exploded, causing massive damage to my heart. My ribcage could no longer shield me from the pain. After years of journeying through the universe, I've come so far and endured so much. Perhaps I've done enough. If you find yourself missing me, look to the night sky. I am the star shining brightly, consumed by the darkness within.

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