The Mikaelson Family

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"Let's start with your family, Hope." the voice says.

After seeing the video everyone had different expressions on their faces the Mikaelson family was crying except for Hope, Klaus, Elijah, and Mikael. Hope had her hands clenched into a fist because of the emotions this brought.

Mikael come towards Klaus and pushed him towards the wall "My son died because of you and your stupid father's pack, I should've killed you years ago." Mikael shouts at Klaus who goes to answer but sees Mikael on the ground screaming while everyone was just too shocked to respond.

"Who are you again?" Hope asks in a tired yet cold voice as she looks at her father and comes to stand in front of him "He's Mikael, Hope." Marcel says from his seat, knowing Hope was not going to let him go easily after what he tried to do.

Hope to remember all the stories she heard about him from her family, about how he used to abuse her father when they were human and then hunted their family for a thousand years before Klaus killed him, and also about what happened after he came back to life.

"You are a monster and you deserve everything you got," Hope says and soon Mikael feels his bones breaking one by one, Mikael cries out loud but soon Hope's magic gets stopped and they are forced back into their seat.

"You want to bring my humanity back by showing me these short films of my family, why do you even care if I have my humanity or not?" Hope asks the light.

"If you get your humanity back by seeing these videos then good but like I said before the motive of this is to show others about what you and your family have been through in your lives." The light says and Hope rolls her eyes at this.

"How about this one Hope, the promise you made." The light says and Hope looks confused.

"What did mom tell Elijah that I would need him, where was dad?" Hope asks looking at her who was sitting behind her "He was at home." Freya replies and Hope let out a dry chuckle "And where mom, what was wrong with her?" Hope asks, understanding that her family was trying to dodge her question.

"Your dad cursed her, the reversed wolf curse that Marcel used on crescents," Rebekah tells her and everyone looks at Klaus with wide eyes "We all know Klaus and this is nothing major, he could've done worse." Someone from behind says.

"You cursed me, how can you do that to your child's mother," Hayley says looking at Klaus with wide eyes and a disgusted look, Klaus looks at her before looking at Hope who was staring at their family with a plain look.

"He was not a madman who would just go around cursing people, if he did it that means that mom did something even worse that hurt him so much that he had to do something so extreme, what did mom do?" Hope asks, closing everyone's mouth who was starting to bad mouth Klaus and leaving the rest shocked especially her parents and family.

"Your right, your mother tried to take you away from us and our home, while Elijah went ahead and daggered your father while you needed protection, it was the time when Dahlia came for you," Marcel explains to her and Hope finally puts the pieces together of what happened.

"See I said he wouldn't do it without a reason." Hope replies looking at her mother before passing a small smile to her father who still looked confused about how to react.

"He says and does things without thinking, yes he is reckless but there is always a reason behind everything he does, whatever that is and he would never accept it in front of anyone," Hope tells them and leans back in her seat.

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