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"I want to see them and their life, I have always heard stories of him from mom and she used to always say that he wasn't the man from the book we have in our library instead he was a man who was just misunderstood by most," Lizzie says and Hope smiles at Caroline.

"The power of family is something we should learn too," Lizzie says and looks at her sister and parents while the others also agree to this. 

"It's a beautifully broken story," Lizzie says, and Hope smiles at her best friend, "I just wish it could've been a little different." Hope replies back and most of the people present in the room nod.

"Your family is actually legendary, like everyone in that family is ready to sacrifice their lives for each other," Landon says and the supper squad agrees with the statement "Now I see why family means so much to you," Rafael says and Hope does nothing in return except to look at the light when suddenly Hope and Klaus fall unconscious.

Hayley puts her daughter's head on her lap while Ansel rushes towards his son and granddaughter while the rest looks at him confused, not really knowing about him "I had to take Hope and Klaus out for this one because if Hope sees it, she already feels guilty for everything but she doesn't know about a lot of sacrifices that Klaus had to make in order to keep her safe, we might face tribrid hellfire on all of us right here." the light says and soon a video starts.

"He loved me?" Camille asks shocked at the scene in front of her, at least she died in the arms of her first and last love was what she was thinking "You were the one who actually gave him the strength to be worthy of Hope, you always showed him the right path, even after your death. After your death, he tried to do everything right not just by his family and his daughter but also by you to honor your sacrifice and wish of seeing him as a better man." Vincent says as he recalls one of his memories.

"There was a time when no one believed in him except for you and only you had the strength to not give up on him even when everyone else did, all of us his family, Hayley, Marcel, everyone." Caroline says to Cami as she remembers stories that Klaus told her about Cami and how he was thankful to the bartender "You gave him strength when all he wanted to do was give up and live as nothing but a myth." Caroline adds.

"That was when I was keeping him captive in my dungeon," Marcel says and looks down with regret and sadness "But that was not all he sacrificed," the light adds and a new video starts.

"Yes Mikael did terrible things and there is nothing I can say to clear his name but he was not the real monster of this story, Esther was, she was the one who choose to sell me away, she was the one who kept Ansel away from Klaus and not tells anyone about the truth behind Klaus," Freya says as she looks down after seeing everything her father put her younger brother through.

"I remember how he used to hold your dairy for weeks, just looking at it as the guilt of killing you took better of him," Rebekah says and Ansel looks at her before looking at his unconscious son in his arms who starts to wake up along with Hope, Klaus looks confused but before he could react Ansel pulls Klaus in a hug as he cried and apologized.

"I am sorry for not coming for you before and for letting you suffer at the hands of that monster," Ansel says to Klaus who was confused but pats his biological father's back in acceptance, Hope who woke up in her mother's arms looks at the father-son hugging and smiles at them.

"He never wanted you dead, you know that right?" Hope asks her brother who nods and looks down "I know and you should also know that I never wanted him dead but sometimes I just went overboard." Marcel says to Hope who just smirks at him "Well we're Mikaelsons, going overboard is kind of our thing." Hope replies.

"I remember when I saw your photos in my dress, I was reminded of the day I wore it, the Mikaelson Ball, I was so young and weak back then, a girl who was too afraid to accept what I wanted," Caroline says and looks at Hope who smiles in return.

"I remember how I felt when I became aware of where that dress came from, I just wished that somehow he would see me wearing it and be proud of me." Hope says and Caroline looks at her "Your dad will always be proud of you and there's nothing you can ever do to change that." Caroline reminds her and Hope nods.

"No matter what anyone says or believes, there was something or some connection between Klaus and Hayley, from day one when they met in my house. Hayley was not afraid to put him in his place and he didn't do anything about it, 'cause if it were someone else in her place, Klaus would've ripped them apart." Tyler says and everyone looks at him with raised eyebrows but keeps quiet.

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