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"The next day, the war is just next." the light says.

"Where are they going?" Klaus asks and looks at Hope who just smiles "To fight."

"You two train together?" Hayley asks looking at Hope and Alaric "Since I first came to the school, it helps me with my powers." Hope replies.

"Who is it?" Everyone there asks "How am I supposed to know, it hasn't happened yet." Hope replies.

"You are afraid to put your daughter in any dangerous situation whereas my little sister has to fight every time, why because she's immortal and she can't die?" Marcel asks Alaric who just looks down "It was Klaus and Hayley's decision to send her because they thought she would be safe there." Rebekah adds. 

"After their death, I am her legal guardian and my sister is coming back home, to New Orleans as soon as we get back," Marcel tells them and Caroline just looks down knowing she messed up, Klaus trusted her with Hope, and while she was away the school needed protection and Hope had to put her life at the risk every time.

Hope decides to stay silent because deep down she knew he was right "Our family sacrificed everything to keep her safe, she will no longer stay there." Marcel says and looks at Klaus and Hayley who nod at him in agreement, the supper squad looks sad but even they knew Hope was the only one who always stood between death and them.

(So I added this thing, it is my own plot where Klaus legally adopted Marcel when he found him so after his and Hayley's death, the closest relative of Hope should be Marcel.)

"What does he want from me?" Cleo asks but the rest just shrugs.

After hearing about the father-daughter dance Hope looks at her father who was also looking at her and when he notices the tears in her eyes, Klaus pulls her in a side hug and kisses her forehead.

"You sacrificed your life to protect us, thank you," Alaric tells the vampire who just nods, still shocked after seeing his own death.

Hope was smiling looking at the screen "And why are you smiling so much?" Caroline whispers to her, Hope turns to her with a sweet smile that always reminded her of Klaus "I am just remembering my last toast." Hope replies and Caroline looks confused but then looks towards the light and an old video starts to play.

"Some of the strongest people who ever walked on the face of the Earth were my protectors and what happened to them, they either died or lost almost everything dear to them, why? because they were trying to protect me." Hope says in a cold voice and everyone looks at her with sad look.

"This is one of the main reasons why I used to hate you so much," Lizzie mutters "Your family, you just stumbled a little and they all rushed to save you, your mother used to come by the school every week, your aunt used to visit you all the time and the ones who weren't able to come to see you, were just a call away," Lizzie adds.

"While ours was all dead, our mom's friends were so done with the supernaturals that they decided to stay away from us, the only time we used to meet was birthdays and that's all," Josie says "And when we found out that you were a Mikaelson, we thought about how could even a Mikaelson have such a perfect family but not us," Lizzie adds.

"There were rumors about your mom being a queen because we know your dad and brother did rule New Orleans but what about her, were they true?" MG asks Hope who smiles at the light before replying "It was balanced out, my parents always stood united to fight our enemies, my dad was ruthless and my mom was forgiving, after he and Marcel left, mom along with my family took care of the city, and yes she was a queen." Hope replies.

"I never thought I would see the day Niklaus would actually kneel for someone," Elijah says and Hope looks at him with a distant look that doesn't go unnoticed by Hayley.

"The entire school used to talk about how beautiful your mom was." Josie compliments and Hope smiles "She had the most beautiful smile and a heart made out of pure love, she used to talk to everyone and even helped us sometimes with our transitions." Jed adds looking at Hope who just smiles thankfully at them.

"What about your first transition, how did you go through with it without her?" Jed asks, Hope looked sad but then looked at the light.

"The most amazing night of my life and at the same time, one of the darkest nights for our family." Hope whispers which doesn't go unheard by the vampires there but before they could react another video starts.

"For someone who spent his entire life as a binded wolf, you're good at it." Hayley says to him with a smile that vanishes when she sees Hope's sad face and questions her "It was the night when he wanted to die without even telling me about it or saying goodbye." Hope replies and Hayley glares at him pulling her daughter in a hug.

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