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Hayley holds her daughter from one side while Klaus puts his arm around Hope's shoulder "I wanna see what happens after I turn my humanity back on first please." Hope says and everyone goes back to their seat after seeing her so calm.

Some people there laugh while Lizzie turns and glares at Hope who just shakes her head "See it doesn't matter if my humanity is off or on, I am still not going back to my old self." Hope says and looks at the squad and her alive family members, "Let's see what happens after, then we'll talk." Caroline says to everyone while she looks at her daughter and Hope worriedly.

"See friends help out each other, they don't care what you do or say to them in one of your low moments," Caroline says and looks at the girls who smile gratefully at each other, whereas Josie feels a little left out of this time.

"Why Hope?" Klaus asks, "Hope is the best of us, she knows how to handle these kinds of situations." Alaric replies, "And really, GODs?" Josie asks turning to look at Hope and Lizzie.

"It's actually happening, we were running some assumptions on how to defeat the gods which did not turn out really great." MG tells them and Hope shakes her "Let's what my martyr self is going to do now." Hope says and the next video starts.

"HOPE" the entire Mikaelson family shouts at her "Your parent and uncle didn't just sacrifice for you to put your life at risk like that," Marcel tells her but she just rolls her eyes at him "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady," Marcel adds after seeing it.

"What do you want me to do, huh? Run away like a coward, news flash, I don't run." Hope replies "I get it, but you could at least call us so that we could help you with your situation," Marcel says "Yeah so this time you can sacrifice your life for me." Hope replies looking at him, this time even he shut up because he knew she was right.

"Thought so, the far you all stay from me, the better, this family has lost a lot because of me and I am not letting any of you make any more sacrifices for me," Hope tells them and turns to the light that starts the next video.

"You finally understood it," Alaric tells her and kisses her forehead.

"We see each other again," Landon whispers, and Hope looks like she's about to cry.

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