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Ok I need to write this in the starting as I saw many of y'all getting confused over the word 'Bij' lmao that's not any word. It's just bitch, but I wrote it as bij. So if you find bij written somewhere in the story, that's nothing but bitch :)

Happy reading

It was the beautiful morning of winter, you could see the clear sky from your room's window.

A smile crept on your face, when you remember what day it was today. It was Monday, you were going to the orphanage for donation with your one and only best friend.

You dragged yourself out of your bed and made your way to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

After doing your morning routine, you came out of the bathroom wearing your outfit. Taking your bag and phone, you made your way downstairs.

"Morning mom."

You wished your mom with a sweet smile as your eyes roamed around your big living room, searching for your dad.

"Mom, where is dad?" You asked. She looked at you before saying.

"Good morning sweetie. And about dad, He had some important meeting in company, so he went early morning."

You nodded at her reply, before making your way to the dining area, doing your breakfast.

"Y/n, Are you going somewhere?" She asked shifting her gaze from her work to you.

"Mom, you forgot it again. Don't you?" You sighed.

"Huh? For—Oh!! My bad. So you're going to orphanage."

"Yes mom. You always forgot about it. I'm afraid, one day you'll even forgot, that you have a daughter too." You fake cried as she gave you 'just stop it already b'tch' look.

"Oh hehe. I think i should go now, Tae must be waiting for me. Byee." You bid her goodbye as you made your way outside, sitting inside your car you drove to Taehyung's house.

You rang the doorbell of his house, but getting no response you entered inside using the spare keys which was with you.

"That boy, must be sleeping yet." You shook you head and made your way to his room.

"I was correct, this bij is sleeping." You glared at his sleeping figure.

"Wake up taeee." You shook him up from his shoulder, earning a whin.

"Mom, please let me sleep for 5 min." He whined in sleep, as you closed your eyes in frustration.

"I ain't you mom kid. JUST WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP KIM TAEHYUNG." You yelled near his ears, causing him to jolt as he quickly got up, looking at you with horrified expression.

"Y/n?" He gave you confused looked.

"Yes me, and didn't I told you yesterday to get up early today?" You smiled at him as he gulped.

"Hehe my dear bestfriend. Just give me 10 min. I'll be ready this quick." Saying this he went inside the bathroom and exactly after 10 minutes, he came out being all ready.

"Let's go." He said as you nodded and you both went out of his house, getting inside your car.

"You sit, I will drive." He smiled looking at you. As you sat on the passenger seat and he drove the car to the orphanage.

After reaching there, you both went inside and were welcomed by Sana, the care taker of childrens.

"Y/n, I was waiting for you only." She smiled and you both shared a friendly hug.

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