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"Really?? You both slept, hugging?" The male sitting in front of you, asked in amazement as you nodded shyly, looking down. "Ohh!! Someone is blushing Huh?" He teased making you looked at him. "W-What? Nooo. Shut up tae." You denied, knowing that he was saying truth. "But why you didn't tell him about your phobia?" Taehyung asked.

"Actually, umm I was scared hehe." You looked at him. "Scared? Of what?" He asked in confusion. "That he will judge me." You said in a barely audible voice. "Judge? Aish!! You're such a stupid y/n. He is your husband, why will he judge you?" He shook his head making you pouted.

"I know, I know. But I was scared. And I didn't wanted to make him uncomfortable." You fidgeted with your fingers. "It's fine, but you should tell him now, yeah?" He tilted his head to look at you. "Yeah." You nodded and smiled.

"Great, let's go now." He stood up making you looked at him. "Huh? Where?" You asked. "To home ofc or are you planning to stay in the cafe only?" He gave you a 'duh' look making you realise that you were in the cafe. "Oh yeah!! Hehe." You stood up. You followed him to his car as you both got in and he dropped you to your house. "Byee tae." You bid him bye and turned to went inside.

A frown made it's way to your face, when you saw Jungkook's car parked in the driveway. "He's home already? But it's just 5." You shrugged and made your way inside. "Y/n, you are here." You turned to the voice and saw Aeri, coming down. You broke in a smile before saying, "Yeah, unnie is Jungkook home?" You asked to confirm.

"Yea.. he came few mintues ago. He asked me where are you so I told him that you've gone to met Taehyung. Then he directly went to his room." She explained and you nodded. "Oh Ok." You replied and made your way upstairs. Twisting the door Knob, you entered inside only for your eyes to get widened as a loud scream escaped your mouth.

"OH MY HOLY CHICKEN NUGGETS!! JEON JUNGKOOK!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" With red and burning cheeks, you quickly took a 180° turn, covering you eyes with both your hands. "Huh? Why are you shouting." He looked at you in disbelief. "W-Why are you s-shirtless?" You asked without turning around.

He looked at himself and then at you, as a smirk formed on his lips and he made his way to you. "But I am just shirtless y/n, it's not like I'm standing naked infront of you." He pressed his lips in a thin line, trying not to let out laugh. Your face turned into a tomato, as you're shocked by his statement. How can he say like that?? I never knew, my husband is a pervert too. OH GODDD!! You gulped and slowly turned to him and found him wearing a resting face.

You tired your best not to look at his perfectly toned abs, but your eyes betrayed you. "I-It's not like that. W-What I mean is y-you shouldn't wander s-shirtless like this, as it's cold." You looked away, mentally cursing at yourself for stuttering. "Like what you see? It's okay, you can look at my abs." He stated making you snapped his head you.

You looked at him in disbelief. Is he drunk? OH MY GOD!! JEON JUNGKOOK IS A PERVERT!! AHHHH. You screamed internally. "It's not like that. And you should wear something." You were about to turned around, when suddenly he pulled you back as out of reflex, your hand landed on his chest and he cagged you in between his arms.

You blinked multiple time to confirm if it was real or not? "Jungkook, Did you ate something? Are you not feeling well?" You asked worriedly as he looked at you in confusion. "Huh? What?" He cocked his eye brows. You didn't said anything and put your hand on his forehead. "But your temperature is normal." You said.

"Wha--" "Or your head got hit by something? You can tell me, we will go to the doctor." You said cupping his cheeks, he looked at you dumbfounded. "No it's n--" "Nooo!! Then why are you behaving wierd today." You stated, making him realised what you meant as he stared at you in disbelief. This girl is unbelievable. He sighed.

"Y/n, I'm fine. Nothing happen to me." He replied and you gave him a suspicious look. Suddenly your eyes got widened and you gasped, putting you hands on your mouth.

"W-What happened?" He gave you a weird look. "OMG!! NOW I UNDERSTAND." You looked at him, shocked. "You did? Thank go--"

"YOU ARE POSSESSED BY SOME SPIRIT." You cut him off, with little scared expression. His eye brows scrunched in confusion as he gave you a 'wtf' look. "WHAT? Possessed?" He asked making you nod.

"Omg!! What should I do? Should call the priest? Noo first I should tell unnie!!" You panicked chanting some kind of prayers. He looked done by your behavior as he removed his hand which was around you and went inside his walk-in closet leaving you there.

Tsk!! I just thought of being sweet and she made me possessed. Bravo Jeon Y/n!!!

"OMG!! I should go and tell this to unnie." You nodded and quickly, ran downstairs calling Aeri. "Unnie!! Unniee where are youuu?" Your eyes roamed around and got stopped on Aeri who was in kitchen.

"UNNIEEEE!!!!" You ran to her making her flinched because of the sudden voice. "Y/n? What happened? Why are you shouting?" She looked at you worriedly and you shook your head.

"Unnie, Jungkook is possessed." You said panting heavily due to running. "WHAT??" She half yelled making you nodded. "Yes unnie, he is possessed." You repeated making her more confused.

"What are you saying Y/n? And what made you think that Jungkook is possessed. Im sure you misunderstood" She stated, you shook your head vigorously and told her everything.

You don't know what happened to her after you told her everything, but she started laughing and was still laughing. "Why are you laughing unnie?" You stared at her in pure confusion but she didn't stopped and kept on laughing. "Oh my god y/n * laugh* Why are you * laugh* so innocent * laugh* . She somehow completed her sentence.

"Eh? What?" You asked. "Oh my innocent baby. Jungkook isn't possessed or something. He is just trying to be little sweet towards you but you told him that he possessed? God!! BWAHAHAHAHAA!! Poor Jungkook." She said with a small pout.

Your face went blanked as you face palmed yourself at your stupidity. "Why am I soo stupid? Now what should I do unnie?" You looked at her worriedly. "Now what? Go and apologise to him pabo." She advised and you stood up. "Do you think he is mad at me?" You asked. "I Don't think so. But just go and say sorry before he actually get mad." She patted your shoulder. You nodded and quickly went upstairs.

You peeked your head from the door and saw him sitting on the couch, doing something in his laptop. He glanced at you for a second, before shifting his gaze back at the laptop. Shit!! He is mad. You slowly went towards him and sat beside him. He felt your presence beside him, but decided to ignore it. "Hyy!!" You waved your hand at him but he ignored making you pouty. "Jungkook I'm s--" "Why are you talking to me? I'm possessed right?" He suddenly said without looking at you.

You shook your head and said. "Noo you're not. I'm sorry. It just I was so stupid." You bite your lips, looking down making him looked at you. "Glad you know, you are." He said. "Yess rig-- Wait!! Yahh!!" You pouted but soon broke in to a smile when you saw him chuckling. "You look cute when you smile. You should smile often." You said but he stopped smiling.

"What happened? Why you stopped? Did I said something wrong?" You asked worriedly and he shook his head. "No it's not like that. And thank you." He slightly smiled making you sighed in relief. Thank god he is not mad. "I should go now." You stood up to go but he stopped you. "Wait!" You turned to him and waited for him to continue.

"Umm be ready at 8." He looked away, making you frown. "Why?? Where are we going?" You asked and saw his face getting flustered. "Jungkook?" You looked at him. "On a dinner date."

To be continued.

Hey!! I hope you guys liked it.
Will post the next part soon 💗

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