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Following the noises, you both made your way to the living room only for your jaw dropped to the ground. You saw the couple making out on the couch, as you both looked at each other with wide eyes. You felt like you lost your voice. "I-I-I t-think s-someone is calling me." You panicked because of which your hand touched on the flower pot, making it fall and scattered into pieces.

You closed your eyes in frustration coz by the time, it was already late as Yoongi and Aeri saw you both standing at the door. You saw how Aeri's face was red in embarrassment and so was Yoongi's. You gulped and smiled at them.

"H-Hi!! W-We didn't s-saw anything. Byee" Saying this, you took Jungkook's hand and ran to your shared bedroom in the speed of lightening, closing the room's door behind. You let out a deep breath. "Godd!! That was soo embarrassing!! Ahh!! I'm embarrass to face them now." You whined without looking at Jungkook. "Jungkook?" You turned around when you didn't heard him saying anything.

"Hey!! Are you o--" You gasped when he suddenly pinned you to the wall, cagging you between his strong arms. "J-Jungkook?" You looked at him with wide eyes, amazed by his action. You looked at eyes, which was stucked on your lips. "Y/n..." His hot breath fanned over your lips, sending chills all over your body.

He tilted his head, coming closer to you. You gulped and closed your eyes, ready to feel his lips on yours. But suddenly something clicked in your mind and you pushed him lightly. "Uh- I-I have to c-change." You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering and quickly ran to the bathroom. "Shit Jungkook!! You should have controlled yourself. You made her uncomfortable." He growled and went out of the room.

On the other hand you're cursing on yourself in 69 languages for your dumb act. "Aishhhh!!! Why am I sooo dumb? Why the heck did I pushed him?? Now he'll think that he made me uncomfortable. Ahh" You flicked your forehead and after changing clothes you went out.

"Thank god!! He is not here." You sighed peeking from the door as Jungkook was not there. You checked the time and it showed 7pm. "I should go and make dinner." You said and quietly made your way to the kitchen, not wanting to encounter your husband.

But guess what? Luck wasn't your side. As you went downstairs you saw him already sitting in the living room. "Shit!!" You slowly made your way to the kitchen, without looking at him. "It's ok y/n. Just don't look at him. Just do not." You mumbled to yourself amd finally went inside the kitchen. "I never thought this will be so difficult." You breathed out and started preparing dinner for y'all.

After done with preparing dinner, you went out to call Jungkook but he wasn't there. "Eh? Where is he?" You frowned and turned around, only to flinched as you saw Jungkook towering above you. "Yah!! You scared me." You breathed out putting your hand on your chest, as he pressed his lips together, trying his best not to smile at your face.

"Dinner is ready, let's go." You stated as he nodded and you both went to the dining area. Soon you remember that you have to call Yoongi and Aeri. Omg!! How am I suppose to call them, after that incident. You gulped. "Jungkook, can you please go and call Oppa and unnie for dinner." You smiled at him.

His expression changed to awkward one as he coughed. "Uh, no I can't go. You go and call them." He replied and looked away. You knew why he was saying that, but you too didn't wanted to face them. "Why can't you go?" You asked making him looked at you.

"Uhm, my leg is paining that's why." He replied and like this you both argued on who's gonna call them, until you said, "Fine, I will go." You scoffed, ready to go as he smirked.

This bij!! I hate him!! Arghhh!! You cried internally and was about to go but you saw Yoongi and Aeri coming down so you quickly sat back. "Why did you sat down?" He asked as you pointed your finger to them. They both sat down and you all had your dinner in silence because of the incident before. You all had your head hung low as no one dared to looked at eachother.

Finally after eating dinner, they went inside their room except you as you escaped a big sigh. "Finally." You put the dishes in the sink and after doing the dishes you too went inside your shared bedroom and found Jungkook sitting on the bed with his back resting on the head board and he was reading some book.

Without saying anything, you directly went inside the bathroom for your night routine. After done with that, you went back to the room and saw Jungkook sleeping with his back facing you. You quietly walked to him and peeked at his face, which was looking so innocent. A smiled made its way to your face, you caressed his cheeks softly, placing a kiss on his forehead and went back to your side to sleep.

Kissing on his forehead before going to bed had became one of your habit. You thought that he would never got to know about this. But little did you knew that every night he used to act like he's asleep just for to you kiss his forehead. He opened his eyes once he felt that you're gone. He slowly turned towards you and found you sleeping peacefully. He shifted his body closed to you, observing your beautiful features.

His lips curved up to a smile when he saw you facing him. Soon his eyes fell on your lips, he gulped remembering about that incident. He didn't know how he suddenly lose his control. God!! What is happening with me? What is this feeling whenever I look at her? why my heart always started beating faster when she smile at me? I never felt like this before. Why she made me feel.... happy...loved? Am I...Am I falling for her? Am I in love?? With these thoughts he felt his eye lids getting heavier and he slept.

Next day.

You woke up on the sound of alarm clock. Opening your eyes you blinked few times, adjusting with the light. You slowly got up and looked beside you and found your husband sleeping soundly with a small pout on his lips. You giggled looking at his face and quietly took his picture.

One good thing happened to you after you both started living in the same room was that you frequently got to see new, cute faces of him, early morning, which you definitely didn't forget to capture in your phone. Making your way to the bathroom, you did your morning routine and came back after getting ready.

"Jungkook!! Get up." You called him, standing near his bed. "Yah!! Get up, Jungkook~ahh!!" You shook him by his shoulder as he finally opened his eyes. "Good morning." You wished him with a sweet smile. "Morning." he replied in a sleepy tone and went inside the bathroom. You awed looking at his sleeping face. "He's soo cute but cold" You pouted and you too made your way to downstairs.

You entered inside the kitchen and saw Aeri making breakfast. "Good morning, unnie." You wished and walked to her. She looked at you and you saw her cheeks getting red. You knew she was embarrassed so you said. "Aish, forget it unnie!! Don't be embarrass. Ok let's do one thing. Just pretend that nothing happened ok. Now let's start again." You stated and again went back to entrance. "Good morning, unnie." You wished again as she laughed at your childish act before saying. "Good morning, y/n." She chuckled.

"Look I made you laugh and now you're not embarrass hehe." You did a hair flip. "Well yes and thank you." She smiled as you helped her in preparing breakfast. "Oh where is oppa?" You asked when you didn't find him. "He had some work in his studio so he went early." She replied and you looked at her with an "oh"

"Then about your breakfast?" You asked her. "We already had it. I was just making breakfast for you both." She replied. "Omo! Thank you so much." You thanked her as she smiled and went to her room. After sometime Jungkook came too and you both had your breakfast.

"I'm going." He walked to the door as you followed him. As always you hugged him and kissed his cheeks. "Drive safe and don't overwork. Bye~" You smiled knowing he's just gonna nod. You're about to go back when he said. "Yeah!! Byee" He slightly smiled and left, leaving you y/nshook. "OMG!! DID HE JUST SAID BYEEE AND SMILED!?! OH MY GOD!!!" You took a deep breath and calmed yourself. "Well, that's a good progress
y/n." You smiled and went inside.

To be continued.

Hey!! I hope y'all liked it.Will post the next part soon 💗

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