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It was Sunday, Jungkook was in his room while you're in the living room watching k-drama with a pout as your lovely husband said, "Y/n, can you watch this in living room as im doing a really important thing and your laugh is disturbing me." So with a sulking face you left the room, which off course he didn't noticed as he was so immensed in his so called important work.

"Why he's so workaholic? He should atleast spend sometime with me." You whined when an idea popped in your mind as you stood up from the couch. "Yes!! This is good. I hope he will not say no." You said and made your way to your shared bedroom as without knocking you entered inside.

"Jungkook~ah!! Are you busy?" You slowly made your way to him with a small grin. "Yes, I am." He replied without looking at you. You sat infront of him, but he still didnt looked at you. "Jungkook!!" This time you called him softly, that made him avert his gaze from his laptop to you.

You don't know how and why but after Yoongi's marriage,his behaviour changed towards you, he became little good to you, just a little. "What?" He asked. "Umm I wanna go for shopping." You smiled as he looked at you for a second but then turned to took out something from his drawer. Eh? What he is doing? You looked at him confused.

"Here!! Go and buy whatever you want." He handed you his black card, (rich ass you know ;) ) making you frowned and you shook your head. "No no no!! That's not what i mean?" You shook your hand in a declining manner. "But didn't you said you wanna go for shopping?" He asked making you nodded. "Yes!! But i wanna go shopping with you." You finally said and saw his expression changed.

"Please Jungkook~ Please don't say no." You pleaded giving him your puppy eyes, blinking it cutely but being Jeon Jungkook, it didn't work on him as he looked at you with a resting face. "Y/n can't you see I'm working? Just goo alone or take noona with you." He looked back to his laptop, with zero interest in your words.

"But Aeri unnie is out with her friends, that's why I came to you." You slightly whined. "Then go alone. Now please don't disturb me, I'm doing a really important work." He said while his fingers worked to type something on his laptop's screen. You sighed knowing he isn't gonna agree as you stood up from the bed.

"Fine." You pouted. "Hm, take a bodyguard with you and stay away from paparazzis." He stated making you looked at him. What made him think that I will go alone, I have my bij. You rolled your eyes at his working figure. "There's no need of them. I will go with Taehyung." As you said that his fingers stopped working and he looked at you.

"Why are you going with him?" He asked. "Because you have a really important work and can't go with me." You snapped back with a little pissed tone. "But I told you to go alone and you can take bodyguard with you." He stated in an irritated tone because he didn't wanted you to go with him. As he didn't like feeling he get whenever he saw you with Taehyung. He got jealous whenever he saw you with him, but his egoistic ass was declining it.

"I don't wanna go alone. Anyways you can continue with your work. Sorry for disturbing you at the first place." You're about to left the room but he stopped you. "Wait!" You turned around to looked at him. "Don't call Taehyung. I will come with you." He looked away, making you little surprised.

"What? Why? I mean didn't you said you have important work to do. And it's ok, I can understand. You can work, I will go with tae." You smiled genuinely because you didn't wanted him to leave his work just because of your shopping. But little did you knew that he was willing to leave his work, just so that you can't go with Taehyung.

"No, it's not even that important." You looked at him in disbelief. Is he kidding me? Some mintues ago, he was chanting that this is really important and now...well go for me thou. I can go with him. You shrugged. "Okk.. just wait, lemme go and change." You quickly went to your walk-in closet for getting ready. "Oh my god!! We're going for shopping. Yayayy!!" You giggled excitedly and changed into a beautiful outfit, coz it was the first time you both were going out somewhere, together.

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