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Waking up when sunlight hitted your face, you opened your eyes and got up, only to find yourself in a big t-shirt, which was of Jungkook's. Memories of last night hitted you, making your cheeks gained red colour. You can't believe you both did it. You blushed and glanced beside you as you saw your lovely husband sleeping next to you.

"Look at his face, how innocent. No one can say he's a beast in bed." You caressed his cheeks, giggling. Removing the blanket from your leg, you tried to get up but failed when you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen causing you to fell back on the bed as a loud groan escaped your mouth. Well, all thanks to your husband.

"Owww!! It's hurts." You tightly closed your eyes and slowly started rubbing there. On the other hand, his sleep got disturbed when he heard you groaned. He opened his eyes as he saw you sitting on the bed, with your back facing him. Getting up, he glanced over his naked upper body as he was just having his trouser on. He blushed remembering last night.

"Y/n?" You turned around and saw Jungkook looking at you, making you panicked. "O-Oh you're up. Good morning." You tried not to make any eye contact causing him to chuckled on your cute behaviour. "I-I should go.." You again tried to stood up but cause of pain it was getting harder for you.

"Aghh" You groaned lightly and was about to get up when you felt yourself being picked. You gasped as you saw Jungkook picking you up in bridal style so effortlessly. Your eyes went round and your mouth got slightly opened. "You could have asked me for help if you're in pain." He said looking directly in your eyes.

You felt your cheeks burning up and quickly looked away before slightly nodding. He made his way to the bathroom with you in arms as he slowly put you down. You took the support from the wall to stand. "Thanks." You stated without looking at him but you frowned when you heard him chuckled. "What happened?" You looked up at him as he shook his head.

"Nothing, you're cute." He laughed and left the bathroom leaving you there as a blushing mess. "Cutee...AHHHHHH THIS MAN WILL BE MY END SOMEDAYY" You whined hiding your face in between your hand as you did your morning and came back to room after wearing your clothes. You stood infront of the mirror and start combing your hair when you eyes fell on your neck with was filled with hickeys given by your husband.

"OH SHITTT!!!" You panicked as you took a close look on that. "Godd!! Now how will hide this? I'm not even that good in makeup so that I can hide this." You fake cried as after thinking for a good time you decided to leave your hair open so that it can hide those marks. "I hope this will work." You set your hair as you finally made your way downstairs and saw everyone having breakfast.

"Good morning oppa and unnie." You wished them causing them to look at you. "Morning." They said and you saw Aeri smirking but you shrugged it. "Come y/n, let's have breakfast." She gestured you to sit with her as you did. You sat infront of her and next to Jungkook and she served you breakfast and you started eating your breakfast.

"Y/n?" Aeri called and you hummed. "Did you too heard those weird noises last night of someone shouting?" The sentence made you both eyes widened as you looked at eachother with wide eyes and you literally got choked on your food. "Hey!! You okay?" Jungkook rubbed your back, handing you glass a water as you nodded and drunk that in one gulp.

"W-What? N-Noises? Noo we didn't heard that." You laughed nervously, shaking your head. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah!! Right Jungkook?? Actually you know unnie, We slept early yesterday." You laughed eating your food and Jungkook nodded. Yoongi tried to suppressed his laugh seeing you both faces and so did Aeri.

"I should leave now." Jungkook stood up and so did you. "Y/n, where are you going?" Yoongi asked. "Huh? To bid him Bye." You replied as they nodded. You both left the dining area and they both burst into a big laughter. "Oh my god!! BWAHAHAHA!! Didyou see their faces?? Myy goddd!!!" Aeri laughed and Yoongi joined her too. "That was priceless!! I should have recorded that." Yoongi replied still laughing.

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