Chapter 20

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-Sakura's POV-

"I just can't believe that you, of all people, would jump Sasuke's bones the moment you wake up after collapsing, Sakura!"

"For the hundredth time, Ino, it wasn't what it looked like," I glared up at the ceiling as I lay in bed as my best friend dressed.

She didn't even care that both Uchiha brothers were still in the room as she shrugged off her pajamas before bending down to sift through our small pile of clean clothes for something to wear. Sai sure didn't seem to mind as he sat at the edge of the bed and watched her in silence.

We'd all already freshened up, me included, albeit with a lot of help from Ino, and I wondered why she hadn't just gotten dressed in the bathroom.

The blond stood back up and tugged a flannel shirt onto her arms before starting to button it up as she gave me a look that said she definitely didn't believe me, "I'm not blind. I literally saw you guys." She gave Sai a flirty grin for a second when she noticed him staring before returning her attention to me, "I'm not judging you, so I don't know why you keep denying it. I think it's great that you're finally coming out of your shell."

An irritated groan left my lips, and I looked over at Sasuke, who also wasn't trying to pretend he wasn't looking at her, "Will you tell her we don't do that kind of stuff, please?"

He glanced at me before meeting Ino's eye as she stared at him expectantly. His expression remained passive as he spoke bluntly, "She held me down and touched me yesterday."

My face erupted with a violent blush, and I sat up to hit him in the stomach, making him flinch and turn onto his side to baby the area, but the unmistakable sound of him snickering met my ears, "S-Sasuke!"

"I didn't think he was your type, but I guess the heart wants what it wants," Ino came up in front of Sai and hugged his face into her chest with a teasing grin aimed at me, "or is it the body that wants what it wants in your case?"

I opened my mouth to argue with her, but she pulled away from the Uchiha twin in front of her and gasped loudly, cutting me off, "Next time, we should figure out which brother is better!" I slapped my hand to my forehead, but both Uchihas laughed at her musing.

"You two are just as bad as she is!"

Sai spoke amusedly, "It wouldn't be the first time we've been compared." Ino laughed loudly, smacking his hands away from her hips so she could pull some jeans on.

Sasuke turned to look at me, and I glanced over to meet his gaze. His eyes were warm with amusement, likely due to my humiliated expression.

Once Ino was finished dressing, she sat on the edge of the bed beside me and gave me a grin, "I hate to leave you here, especially when we have so much to talk about, but we've gotta start training again today, so I have to." She looked past me to waggle her eyebrows at the boy lying on the other side of the bed, "Take good care of her while we're gone, Lover Boy."

They knew his gunshot wound was healed, but he said the muscles in the area were still sore, so they insisted he spend one last day resting. While I agreed with their advice, I still felt dread sink into my stomach when the bedroom door closed behind them after they left.

The room was silent momentarily before I let out a defeated sigh and fell heavily back against the pillows. There was a small bookcase near the wardrobe that I planned on raiding if only to find something to browse through and help the time pass, but I hadn't mustered the energy to put my body in motion yet.

"So, what is your type?"

I turned onto my side to face the annoying boy, glaring at him when I realized he'd done the same, "What's gotten into you? You've never been like this."

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