Chapter 22

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-Hinata's POV-

I woke up in the middle of the night to my hair being brushed out of my face. My brow furrowed slightly before I blinked a few times so my eyes would adjust to the dark room. Then, finally, I realized Naruto was lying on his side with his head propped up on his fist as he looked at me. Immediately, my face warmed at the realization that he'd been watching me sleep, but I was happier to see him than anything else.

After talking to Sakura earlier and trying to cheer on her attempt at communicating with Sasuke, I realized something important. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but the fact that I've been holding back from Naruto was just as unfair as what I thought I was avoiding by doing so.


Gorgeous blue eyes beamed warmly down at me, and the corner of his lips twitched as though he wanted to smile, "Hey."

Before I could chicken out, I spat the words out that'd been on the tip of my tongue for weeks now, "I d-don't want to just be friends. It's selfish to feel this way for you, b-but you said I need to be more selfish when you're involved, remember?" He told me that right before he kissed me for the first time while we were dreaming. That day felt so much longer ago than it was.

His lips did turn up into a smile this time, and it warmed my heart to see a positive reaction to my confession. I thought he'd say something in return, but he didn't. Instead, he let himself fall back against the pillow at my side with a relieved sigh.

I turned onto my side to face him, "I-I hope it's okay I said that...."

He grinned widely at the ceiling, speaking in an amused tone, "Don't announce that you're gonna be selfish and then apologize," he turned his head to look at me, "I realized earlier that you're capable of much more than you and I have been giving you credit for."

Confusion was likely written all over my face because he continued, looking back up at the ceiling as he moved his hands behind his head, "Sakura told me I was underestimating you, and she was right. I owe you an apology." Suddenly, one of his arms slid under my waist, and I was pulled up on top of him, straddling his hips.

A small squeak slid past my lips, and my hands instinctively pressed against his chest to lift myself upright, "N-Naruto!"

"Let's make a deal, Hinata."

My eyes were wide with surprise as I looked down into his off-puttingly calm ones. Something had definitely changed within his mindset because his approach was leaps and bounds more forward than before. The heat from my blush was incredible, and I felt it flowing throughout my body, especially where it came into contact with his. I was very nervous but forced myself to keep it together as I nodded so he could continue his proposition.

"You can be as selfish as you want with me if I can do the same with you. Agreed?"

To anyone else, his words might've sounded purely sexual, but I knew better than that. While some of the stuff he was referring to being selfish about would indeed end up being sexual, Naruto was primarily talking about what we want to gain from one another.

I can't speak to what he hopes to achieve by getting romantically involved, but I know a few things I want. There are things that he's given me small doses of that have left me yearning for more: intimacy, comfort, passion, and understanding. These things, and more, are what I've wanted since before I even realized I like him. Receiving them from anyone other than him was unacceptable. Because of this, I nodded without a word.

He tilted his head slightly, "I'm glad. I was gonna be-"

I cut him off by bravely pressing my lips against his, with my entire being trembling with anxiety. He said it himself: I can be as selfish as I want. That meant I could kiss him even if my body was questioning whether I was ready for it.

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