chapter 1♡

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Just a little heads up in this story dipper,mabel,pacifica and Gideon are all 18-19

Dipper's pov:
I was just walking into the mystery shack when all of a sudden mabel runs our of no where and bumped into me sorr-oh it's just you also grunckle Stan said do the washing up" she said "why me can't you do it"i said rolling my eyes "no I can't dipshit I'm hanging out with candy and grenda" she said "why is it always me you know what no you do it for once" "no I'm telling grunckle stan" "go ahead" I walked of to my room and locked it I grabbed the journals and  grabbed some more things in a bag and headed to the woods for some peace and quiet "I'm going In the woods"i yelled"hold it" I heard gunkle Stan say"what?"I said"go do the washing up" "no mabel can do it for a change" I said as I stormed of to where bills statue was "hey bill" I said arriving at his statue "this has been the worst summer so boring without made last summer the best of course for me I don't know about the others but you where always there for me and I see what you mean about mabel thanks when you come back if you do I'm gonna purposely leave the rift somewhere and mabel can take it like last time than that way I don't get the blame even though it was her fault" I sat next to him "please come back bill I miss you"i started to cry a bit "they blame me for wierdmagedon when it wasn't my fault I have to do the cleaning and everything whilst mabel gets to go out with her friends" I saw bills hand on his statue go into blue flames"oh okay bill I'll play you're game" I shake his hand

Bills pov:
I see pinetree crying so I made my hands go blue fire for pinetree to shake so I can get him out of his terrible life
"Oh gravity falls its so great to be back"
"Heya bill" I see pinetree say with a smile "Heya pinetree did ya miss me admit it you missed me" "I did" He said next thing I know he jumps on top of me hugging me pretty tightly "well this is new" " oh shut up you stupid dorito""mean" He starts to cry"uhm hey there there" I said in hopes of calming him down "bill they don't stop" he whispered "I know I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner" I said with sorrow in my voice "I'm here now and as long as I am here no one can hurt you I promise" I said " shouldn't I be the one saying that dear" I hear him say in a sarcastic way "w-what n-no hmph" I said "aww did I make you mad I'm sorry here *he grabs a knife and cuts bills face a bit* you better now" " yep" I said because he knows that I am a masochist and there was no point in lying
Will appears from no where  yelling "GAY" and then disappeared
"DAMNIT WILL" I yelled in frustration "I SHALL GET REVENGE ON YOU LATER" " hey there there bill it's ok" He said hugging me tighter "can we stand up now" I asked "no cuddles" he said in a childish tone "alright"

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