chapter 4♡

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Mabel pov:
I noticed my brother talking to himself like someone was there then I heard him say "bill" I knew that something had to be there bcs dipdop never talks to himself unless bout journal shit but I decided not to intefer with that mess and just went out the door I started heading to town where I ran into pacifica rn I was wearing a red sweater with a star on it and pacifica was wearing a light purple top with a blue skirt and had a hat on "hi" I said hoping to start a conversation "hi mabel"she smiled whilst saying "how are you today as soon as she said that I said "alright wht about you?"I replied "good aswell"she said but I could see tht she had been crying I ran up to her and helped her up whilst hugging her "it's ok I'm here now"when I said tht she started crying I started to pat her head to make sure she was alright "let it all out" I said sympathetically
*a few minutes later*
She fell asleep I noticed with her head buried in my neck I was slightly taller I slowly and carefully started to pick her up and walked back to the mystery shack luckily no one was around to see me carry her I got to the mystery shack and carried her upstairs only to see bill underneath dipper being kissed on the neck"ill just come back laterite said leaving the room whilst carrying pacifica I could just see the awkwardness on there faces I took pacifica downstairs and placed her on the couch
Dippers pov:
That was so awkward she just walked in on me kissing bill 😳 my face turned red but when I turned to face bill his face was as red as a tomato 🍅 "hey bill~""let's continue shall we" as soon as I said that he went more red I pinned him to the bed and started kissing his neck again
1 hour later(I'm not writing tht)
Bills pov:
As I was just about to get up as i fell over "DIPPER U MF"I yelled dipper looked at me with a shh or else face so I quieted down a bit
Creator:sorry for not posting earlier I have had no ideas and Iv been busy ill try to update more often

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