chapter 2♡

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Mables pov:
I couldn't belive what I just saw bill cipher cuddling my brother oh I was so telling stan and the fact dipshit brought him back he's going to be in so much trouble I then saw dipshit crying I haven't seen that in ages and for once he looked happy I haven't seen that since bill was turned to stone maybe just maybe *sighs* fine I won't tell stan I'll let him be he seems happy plus I now have leverage*takes photos* I ship it so much now heheheh I didn't like being mean to dipper its the fact of our parents they don't support him so I was forced to be mean to him or else he would get hurt and I didn't want that not to mention the fact I'm lesbian but I can't tell my parents I would tell dipper but he would tell them why is life so hard but atleast I have my ship pictures I'm gonna tease him "HEY DIPPER"i yelled he turned to see me" oh uhm hi mabel it's not what it looks like" he said I smirked"hehe look at this*I showed him the pictures*""MABEL WHYYY" "BECAUSE I SHIP IT" "mabel no" "mabel yes" "mabel no" "mabel yes" " mabel if you do that then I'm gonna show these *he shows pictures of me and pacifica""HOW WHEN EH" "MAGICCCC" he yelled I then saw bill it looked like he was falling asleep on dippers shoulder so of course I took pictures "h-hey" he yelled whispered due to not wanting to wake up bill I smirked knowing this and I said"dont worry your secrets safe with me and go easy on him😉" "mabel no promises😉" I sneak off

Bills pov:
I fell asleep on pinetrees shoulder next thing I know I feel someone picking me up I also heard someone say go easy on him or something like that I was carried to a small house in the woods that I created for emergencies how he knew about this was not clear to me I felt a slight pull as I was put onto the bed and tucked in I quickly acted like I was sleep grabbing and pulled dipper in for cuddles he laughed and said"dont worry hun I won't leave yet" and he kissed my forehead "just go back to sleep" he said rubbing my hair till I fell asleep

Dippers pov:
I watched bill sleep it was adorable like a kitten I wanted to keep watching him but I was hungry so I quickly went to the kitchen and got something to eat also it was obvious he didn't know how I knew about this place well let's just say when your dedicated enough you can do anything I ate whilst I watched bill sleep

*Pretend the black stuff isn't there and he's on a bed with dipper on top of him*He was so cute that I just wanted to never let go but then I realised I had to go back to the mystery  shack to get yelled at and as much as I didn't want to wake bil...

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*Pretend the black stuff isn't there and he's on a bed with dipper on top of him*
He was so cute that I just wanted to never let go but then I realised I had to go back to the mystery shack to get yelled at and as much as I didn't want to wake bill up I had to I shocked him slowly he woke up "h-huh p-pinetree what's wrong he asked tiredly "sorry bill I have to go back to the mystery shack" I said sympathetically "can I come" he asked "can you turn invisible to anyone but me?" "Yep" he said "fine but be carefull
At the mystery shack
We arrived and of course stan was at the door pissed "Where were you"he asked "in the woods like I said I would be" I said "you didn't wash up like you where told" "yes and" I said giving attitude"maybe if you gave everyone else chores instead of just me more would get done so start using that non existent brain of yours" I said walking off "you ok pinetree" I hear bill whisper "yes I'm fine don't worry hun"i said sympathetically I kiss his forehead "cuddles?" I asked "yep" he said excitedly
Sorry this is short it's pretty late where I am so yea ill continue when I can

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