chapter 3♡

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Dippers pov:
I woke up to yelling I went to go and check it out I saw grunckle stan and Ford arguing I couldn't tell what they where arguing about though I then felt a head on my shoulder and turned around to see bill it looked like he was shaking but trying to hide it "hey bill you okay" I asked worried "I-i'm f-fine" he stuttered out "bill please don't lie to me"i said rubbing his hair to sooth him " hey hey its ok" I felt tears on my shoulders I try my best to sooth him and block out the yelling believe it or not after the years I started to notice I wasn't really human and I had the same powers or more dare I say than bill I read his mind quite often to see what's up so I hop into his mind to see what's up it seems he's having flashbacks to his past I decided not to look anymore since I didn't want him to be uncomfortable I look back and see he fell asleep I Carried him back to the bed and went down to aks what was wrong as I gt downs stairs I heard a crash I ran as fast as I could when I got there Ford was bleeding from his head sitting against a wall

Ford's pov:
My brother started going on about how dipper couldnt be usefull I knew this wasn't him talking it was his anger I tried to calm him down but I got threw against the wall

Stans pov:
I threw my brother against the wall without realising when I noticed I couldn't help but start to cry "what did I do.." I whispered crying I feel a tight hug around me I turned to see Ford hugging me and saying conforting words like "it's ok" "it's not your fault" I turned and started to cry more " I'm sorry" I whispered "hey its ok"

Dippers pov:
I was about to intervene but it looked like everything was solved so I went back up to the bedroom to watch bill sleep again because that's definitely not creepy

Sorry its short I ran out of ideas ill try to post more soon

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