chapter 5♡

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Dipper pov:

I hear Bill scream as he falls over "Hehe you might want to quiet down dear" I laughed as I help bill up "honestly I'm surprised sixer hasn't realised I came back ye-" bill says as Ford yells "FAMILY MEETING!"

Ford pov:

"FAMILY MEETING!" I yell panicking noticing that the weirdness meter is going mad and everyone sits on the sofa and looks confused "what's this about grunkle Ford?" Mable asks confused "the weirdness meter is going out of the scales and it only ever did that when you know who started wierdmegadon.."(idk If thts how u spell it I sorta forgot how so ye sorry) I say panicking "I think we should check the statue just incase" "grunkle ford think you might need some rest I think you've forgotten we erased him remember" dipper says and I noticed that Mable along with dipper both started to sweat "no no I'm not going koko see!" I show them the weirdness scale going over 300 "and why are u kids sweating?"

Mable pov:

Shit I think he's catching on dammit how am I meant to throw him off the trail I don't want dipper to hve to loose the one he loves especially someone who makes him so happy

Bills pov:

'Oh shit I jinxed it didn't i' I send to pinetrees mind I'm currently sitting on his lap leaning against the arm
Pinetree thinks:"yes obviously dumbass" and at this point I just lean more loving the chaos pinetree then thought: 'billiam cipher fix this or no cuddles for a year' I started to pout and I start to hide my presence of pure weirdness and chaos so the meter goes down leaning more into arm

((Hi sorry I haven't posted in a while and this is a short chapter it's bcs I had no motivation and tbh I completely forgot this existed so I hope you enjoyed anyway again sorry for those who like this book I'll try to come up with more ideas for this story have a good day or night )) 😁😁✨️✨️

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