Who are they?

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It was one beautiful Saturday morning, I woke up due to the sun rays hitting my face. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to do my hair and do my skincare and also brush my teeth. Once I got out of the bathroom, I picked out my outfit which consisted of a plain white long sleeved crop top and blue baggy jeans, an oversized white cardigan with it. I thought that it was quite chilly today, the cardigan would be a source being warmed up. I put on my socks and white shoes. I went downstairs and grabbed my phone that was charging. I saw that I got dozens of emails and messages. 'Oh wow-' I thought. I shrugged it off and gathered the things I needed. 'Purse, phone, ID, spare snacks, credit card, cash, okay I'm good!' I thought happily and went outside and headed to the modeling agency I was in.

I'm a model in Yokohama and so far, I'm actually enjoying it! Everyone is so nice to me and I was surprised cause I thought I would get shamed but I didn't surprisingly. My colleagues there were also very friendly. I thought that modeling would be for rich people only but the modeling agency took me in because of my looks and they didn't care that I wasn't rich. They also pay me enough to support myself. I even made friends with other models that came there. The agency wasn't far, it was a 10 minute walk from here.

"Good Morning Y/N!" My manager, Hana greeted. "Ah, good morning Hana!" I greeted back with a smile on my face. "I got you breakfast for all your hard work last week, I really appreciate it!" Hana said, giving me a bag of what it seemed to be donut holes. "Wow, thank you! Anyways what are we modeling today?" I asked, stuffing a donut hole in my mouth. "Well, we're modeling some uh...lingerie." Hana said shyly. I swallowed back harshly. "HUH?! WHY?!" I asked in shock, I never modeled something so...revealing. "Listen, I didn't want you to model this either but the company wanted us to model it so badly, plus they'll pay you an extra $50,000 if you model their lingerie." Hana explained in great detail. I mean, I don't like modeling some very revealing clothing but if it were for that great of a price, then I would because I need the money right now.

"Alright, where is it?" I asked. "Erm, well it's in the changing room over there." Hana said, pointing to the room. I sighed and went to the changing room, giving Hana my donut holes she had bought for me. 


"Y/N? Are you okay in there?" Hana asked. "I don't wanna come out! It looks so revealing!!" I shouted back at Hana. "Yeah Y/N, that's what lingerie is anyway..." Hana stated the obvious. I hated wearing this but my other worry is that if any of the guy staff were in the building or were going to the building.

"Uh, is any of the guy staff in the building...or coming to the building?" I asked Hana. "No, all of them went to go to another modeling agency somewhere outside of town, they'll be back on Monday. Right now it's just us girls. So let's hurry up and maybe get a drink after, how about that?" Hana said, cheering me up.

"Okay." I said getting out of the clothing room. I came out in white lingerie that hugged my curves perfectly. "Uhm, this is awkward..." I said.

"Alright, let's go take some photos now Y/N." Hana said, leading me to the photography area.

"Hey, Y/N! Ready for some pictures?" My photographer, Akira said. "Heh, yeah, though I'm quite nervous..." I said, blush tinting on my face. "Don't worry Y/N, we'll do 3 photos today! Now, pose with your hands on your hips." Akira ordered. I did as I was told and looked at the camera, a bright light flashing. "Perfect, now just 2 more!" Akira said as she took the photos.


"Okay as promised to Y/N, we'll all go together and get a drink!" Hana announced. "I think we should go to that cafe that's just around the corner. I heard that there are some interesting drinks there." I said. "Y/N, here are your donuts." Hana said, handing back my donut holes. "Alright it's settled." Akira said as we all headed out the door to the cafe.


The cafe looked so warm and cozy. It had very nice vibe to it. I was looking at the menu to see what drink I wanted to get, until I got this weird feeling that someone was watching me from behind. I looked back and saw that no one was. There was just 2 guys sitting down on the same table, having a different drink.

"Y/N, what drink do you want?" Akira asked. "Just get me a (fav drink) please." I said. She nodded and ordered it for me.

"DAMN, this ice coffee is good yet bitter!" Hana said as she sipped her drink. I decided to get napkins just in case we made a little spill. "Guys, I'll be back, I'm getting napkins." I said as I went to get some napkins.

I saw the 2 guys at the station to get extra stuff, they were bickering at something.

"Aw, you can't even get a napkin. How sad indeed.~" One of them said.

"Shut up! I'm still growing dammit!" The other argued back, jumping to get a napkin from the tall guy.

I decided to interrupt their bickering time.

"Um, excuse me you two...I'm trying to get a napkin. Do you mind if you guys moved please?" I asked politely. The two of me looked at me, some emotion hinted in their eyes. "Yeah sure, sorry about that beautiful.~ " The tall guy said in a flirty manner. "Yeah, I don't mind, sorry about our bickering time miss." The shorter guy said. Although he was slightly taller than me.

"I appreciate it, thank you." I said, grabbing some napkins. "So, what is your name beautiful?" The taller guy said.



AN: First chapter done! Make sure to vote if you liked it!!!

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