Swift gently nudges Bladen aside. "Shift over. You are shaking."
Kiri nuzzles against him, "That was incredibly brave. How did you do that without panicking outwardly? "
"Oh I was, she could tell." Bladen leans against Kiri, "I can't believe you actually got into our head. I wasn't sure you could, not with them all right there."
"Bladen! We are getting weaker. Our injuries are still bleeding." Swift calls back.
"I know, it's not good. Just keep the body running. Just get us somewhere safe. Please, Swift."
"D'vala threw me into your head. I don't know how she did it." Kiri admits. "I think she used the bond we have."
Bladen nods, "Want me to throw you back?"
"Please. Not that I don't like it here, but its weird."
Bladen banishes him, slapping him back into his head with a wall. He moves closer to Swift. "Want me to take over again?"
"It's ok, I've got it." Swift insists, "Go rest. I will get us and Kiri to a safe place to rest, don't worry."
Bladen backs up. He examines his charge seriously for the first time since the separation. She was small, not even 5 months in their years, but she handled herself with a maturity that not even the best of the alpha line creatures managed at this age. He sighs, heading back to his corner. "Swift, why don't we consider telling Firestorm who you are?
"Bladen, she has eyes. She has a nose. If she is really that oblivious that she can taste my blood, my flesh, and still not recognize me as her own, how much can she really teach me that I couldn't learn by tapping pack lines and listening to Frost teach my brother?"
Blade nods, "Frost isn't going to be teaching Sky correctly. He's not right in the head."
"I know. But the basics are there. Perhaps we really need these ideas revamped by a youngster's ideals." Swift digs her claws into her paws.
"Swift." Bladen chides, "She won't think less if you come home now. In fact she will be extremely proud of you. She's pleased with what she saw just now, and she doesn't even know you're hers! Think about that."
Swift glares at Bladen, "I don't want her approval anymore. Just yours. And Kiri's. She is nothing to me now. I don't care what she thinks or doesn't think of me. She is just another alpha to respect grudgingly. That's all."
Bladen chuckles knowingly before curling up in a ball. "Alright kit, no need to get all defensive."
She huffs. "I'm not."
Bladen nods sagely, "Of course. Whatever was I thinking."
Swift ignores him. She swims up beside Kiri. "Are you ok? Is that cat's words still affecting you?"
Kiri shakes his head, "I don't think so. Why? I mean, I felt a compulsion when he uttered them, but it wasn't that strong. I could ignore it easily."
Swift leans her head against him. "Oh good. I was so scared. I don't want you to die. That would really really suck. I wasn't sure what his power level was. If he was an alpha he could've just ordered your heart to stop and it would've."
Kiri squeaks as he is accidentally dunked. He swims away and resurfaces with a glare. "What do you mean? I can't control my heart."
"We can control absolutely everything about our bodies Kiri, right down to our hearts. That's one of Alpha Nix's favourite ways to torment disobedient pack members. He orders their heart to stop and he just waits as they beg and plead. If they try to wait him out he will just let them die."

A Shifting Land
FantasyWhat does one do when left with nothing? No home, no pack, nothing except the sharp tongue of a new friend and dangers around every corner. That's exactly what Swift had to ask herself the night she lost it all. With perils around every corner, is a...