Chapter 13

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She raced the tree tops, watching the black and red blur keeping pace with her. With Brother down below.

The scent hit her first. Tangy, like a rich mineral deposit. Sobs bounded from ahead, screams ringing with despair.

Brother crumpled with a wail, his hand extending towards their clearing. Their home.

She stared at the gore, bodies torn apart limb from limb, babies wailing with mortal injuries while their fathers clutched them close and prayed for them.

Shylo crept closer, silent on the limb above Brother. He crouched, body tensing as he got ready to spring.

Swift narrowed her eyes, her body launching itself before she even decided.  Her claws sank into Shylo's shoulders, shoving him back, her snarl barely breaking her lips.

They plummet, slamming into hard ground. Swift twisted, pinning Shylo to the ground, nearly his size. "How dare you."

His eyes widened in mocking fear, "How dare I?! I've done nothing! I've been watching, that's all!"

She sank her claws in further, her second pair of fangs dropping into position. "Don't lie to me Shylo. Those bodies, torn apart in their homes, they don't lie. I smell your scent on them." She leaned in closer, their noses touching. "They'll want your fiery hide Shylo. You killed their families."

Shylo spat back at her, his eyes wild. "And who's pelt do you think they've seen demon? Hm? Not mine."

Swift smiled down at him, her eyes hardening. "I'm not pack. If I do it right, none of them would ever question you being killed by the bipeds."

Shylo's eyes flicked back over her shoulder, the slight inhale her only warning.

"Swift?" Kiri asked hesitantly. "What's going on?"

Her fur laid flat, her eyes cold as she met his. "Your brother is an idiot." Her tail tip flicked, "He's been hunting the bipeds for sport." She froze, her tail tip still. "That's why you came out here isn't it? You want me to take the blame. You planned to kill that little girl. You just saw a better opportunity when everyone else left."

"Kiri, go. Run back to the pack. Tell them... Tell them Shylo is a biped killer." Bladen whispers.

The male lofted his spear and gave a cry, charging them all with tears in his eyes.

Kiri spun and ran, his pitch fur blending away in a heartbeat.

"D'vala," He started, "Would they listen if I warned them like this?"

D'vala scoffed. "I doubt it."

Swift rolled, flipping Shylo into the path of the oncoming spear.

He kicked back, ripping himself from her claws as he snapped out, crushing the spear between his teeth.

Swift surged to her feet, Bladen's calm voice and pointed focus allowing her to examine his weak points.

She leapt high, slamming both front paws down dead center of his spine.

He screamed, the yipping call resonating through the woods as she landed nimbly to the side.

She stepped back, her ears going flat as more bipeds trampled through the forest.

Brother let out another shout, pulling a knife from his belt. He jogged over, his knife raised to seek for the eye.

Shylo tensed, his hind feet pulling in even as Swift darted between them. Claws sunk in deep, his fangs seeking her throat.

The biped pulled back, his eyes wide as others joined him. Knives and spears and bows lowered as they watched Shylo tear into their savior.

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