He pulled himself free, his mind already humming with ideas. "D'vala."
"I'm not arguing with you but it's stupid to piss them off." She growled.
He chuckled, his teeth chattering. "Got a better plan? We need to pass out. I'm so cold. So tired. I don't have the energy to shift, to fly. Do you?"
D'vala curled up against him, their fur soaked. "We could curl up here with her, let the chill take us away."
Kiri shook his head. "Not a chance. She would be so mad."
"She's already out cold Kiri! What is she going to do about it?" D'vala argued.
Kiri sighed, blowing bubbles.
"We could go back.... We know what that side looks like now. We could find a cave and just pass out there for a while. Be a lot safer then this.... Puddle."
Kiri scoffed. "Better idea." He reaches through, tugging free a coil of icy power.
It extends south, folding itself outwards. The burg crunches, freezing fast to the sand below.
It shined in the hot sun, water reflecting back off the iceburg's crystalline structure. The ice cave creaked, teetering on its chilly base.
"Told you I had a better idea. Now all we need is a few hunks of pine, and I can shield it from certain eyes and we can pass out. Deal?"
D'vala stared at him. "Kiri, do- no. Of course not. You aren't really supposed to be able to just borrow powers like that. Not when the other side is out cold."
"But I was already borrowing her powers for fun." He points out.
"Yes, but she was awake then. She's not awake now." D'vala moved the body forward, forcing it to fetch branches.
"What's the difference?" He asked, "Doesn't it do the same thing?"
D'vala whipped around to stare at him. "Is it the same thing to fall asleep on land as it is in water? No. So how can it be the same to borrow her abilities?! They're tied directly to her soul. Her very being. She has to offer you that level of trust every time you use them. Now you just...."
Kiri grinned. "You're silly. I don't need her permission. She and I have a deal. Her abilities are mine, and mine are hers. No questions asked. We already know the answer is yes. That's how we arranged it!"
"But that's not how it's supposed to work!" She cries in exasperation. "Kiri, what you're saying is a mental impossibility. It doesn't exist like that. To have that.... It just doesn't work!"
"Maybe it'll stop working in the future, but right now, there is nothing we wouldn't do for each other. She went beyond death D'vala. Just to drag my ungrateful ass home. She's my best friend. That's all." He brushes past her to grab the branches she forgot.
Kiri pulled them back to his little den, shivering at the touch of ice. "D'vala, is there a way to use her fire to warm it up or no?"
"Just sleep kid." D'vala sighed.
Kiri curled up, letting himself fade back.
Day slipped to night. Night to day and back again before anyone rose on that little shore.
Bladen woke the body first, drawing them free from the waves. He stretched, his yawn catching his jaws wide as he regarded the island.
Walls of ice bled with red, iron heavy in the air. Rainbows danced in each prism, cracks draping the work of agony in dread.

A Shifting Land
FantasyWhat does one do when left with nothing? No home, no pack, nothing except the sharp tongue of a new friend and dangers around every corner. That's exactly what Swift had to ask herself the night she lost it all. With perils around every corner, is a...