Extra Story: Strange Happenings on One's Wedding Night in Great Ming (Part 3)

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Part 3:

It was a cold spring night in the garden. Stifling a yawn, Su Rulan listened attentively as Aunty Wu shared that the side residence housed the Ji family's private library. A large part of the side residence was a garden, and in the middle of the garden was a pavilion. The pavilion was named Wanshu Lou and contained a vast collection of books that were passed down from generation to generation, including classical texts, poetry from famous poets dating back to the Tang dynasty, and old tablets and scrolls in ancient scripts from earlier dynasties. Few outsiders were aware that such priceless treasures were in the hands of the main branch of the Ji family. It was also said that while the main branch of the Ji family were distant from the capital city and stayed out of politics and palace intrigue, they were supported and protected by the side branches of the family which were heavily involved in such complicated social affairs.

Hearing Aunty Wu's words, Su Rulan felt as if she had stumbled upon a fantasy realm. Everything felt so surreal, yet grounded in realism. She had a sudden epiphany that this secret of the Ji family was the reason why Ji Chiyan had requested for transfer back to his hometown, even if it meant that he would be a low-ranked official. To prove himself worthy of being the next head of the main branch, he had gone to the capital to take the imperial examination and secured himself an official post; but ultimately, he had to return to take on the responsibility as the guardian of Wanshu Lou.

Su Rulan stared silently ahead at the yellowstone granite architecture which casted long shadows on the grass and small bushes under the pale moonlight. She had misunderstood—it wasn't her letter to Ji Chiyan that had hastened his return to marry her, but the need to fulfil his familial obligations.

"Young Madam, it is getting late and the night is chilly. Would you like to head back inside to rest?" asked Aunty Wu when she heard a small sniff coming from Su Rulan. "You can continue to explore the rest of the garden tomorrow."

Su Rulan shook her head. "You can head back inside first. I'm not feeling tired."

Aunty Wu drew in a deep breath. "But—"

The sound of footsteps hit their ears from behind. Turning around in alarm, Su Rulan's startled eyes met with Ji Chiyan's. His eyes widened in surprise, the darkness in his expression melting away.

"Y-Y-young Master," Su Rulan stammered, her feet shifting backwards.

Ji Chiyan frowned, recovering from his surprise upon seeing an unexpected visitor. "Did you follow me here?"

She blushed and averted her gaze. "Yes," she answered with a tremor in her voice. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm not blaming you," he replied quickly, instantly regretting his question.

Seeing the young master in a state of muted fluster, Aunty Wu mouthed at the young man standing behind Ji Chiyan; but to her exasperation, Han Dong didn't seem to understand her intentions. Breaking the silence, Aunty Wu greeted Ji Chiyan cheerily. "Young Master, has the situation been attended to?"

Ji Chiyan nodded with a tired smile before turning around to an injured teenager who was slouched against Han Dong with one arm over his shoulders. "Aunty Wu, please help Han Dong to take Zuosheng back to his room and tend to his injuries. They are minor, but tomorrow please invite a physician over."

"Will do," said Aunty Wu as she rushed towards Zuosheng to check on him and hovered around anxiously beside Han Dong as he supported Zuosheng down the garden path towards the house.

Su Rulan's gaze fell on Zuosheng's bloodied and torn clothes as he hobbled past her. "You call that minor injuries?" she asked with a horrified gasp.

"He's going to be fine. You don't have to be concerned about him." said Ji Chiyan calmly. "Rather, shouldn't you be concerned about me right now?"

"Are you hurt too?"

"I meant, concerned about things concerning me. I'm sure you are curious about what happened back in the bridal chamber and why I had to rush over here. Don't you want to ask me about it?"

Under the exposure of his sharp gaze, Su Rulan's lowered her eyes and bit down on her lower lip. She was curious and she wanted answers; but she had to tread carefully to avoid risking angering him. The elders had said that Ji Chiyan was kind and patient person who was easy to get along with; but when it came to his family's deep, dark secret, she wasn't sure if she would be treated as kindly.

"If Young Master wishes to share your family's secret with an outsider like me, I would gladly be a good listener."

"An outsider?" Ji Chiyan exclaimed, almost chuckling at her surprisingly subservient attitude. Was this still the Su Rulan that he had remembered her to be?

"You're already married to me so how can you be an outsider?" he added, impulsively.

A dusky blush rose to her cheeks.

The corner of his lips curved upwards upon seeing her reaction to his statement; and he went on: "Since I've made that known to you, would you re-consider the way you address me?"

Su Rulan tilted her head, as if trying to make sense of his words. "What do you mean?"

"What did you call me earlier?"

"Young... master?"

"And what should you be addressing me as?"

Ji Chiyan paused for his question to take effect. A smile played on his lips as he waited for Su Rulan to come to the realisation on her own.

A certain term of address popped up in her head, causing her to blush. Hearing her own voice, thick with uncertainty, she felt her face grow hot: "Husband?"

"Mm." Ji Chiyan nodded satisfactorily; but when his eyes met hers, a deep blush rose to his face. Thankfully, it was dark out in the garden and she would be unable to see him in this state.

"I actually thought that you would have just called me by my full name, as you always have," he laughed softly in an attempt to alleviate the awkwardness between them.

Su Rulan smiled demurely. "Why do you say that? Did you think that I wouldn't know how to behave with decorum?"

"I wouldn't doubt your knowledge; but I don't think you have ever minded that around me," he answered, "especially when you've always been calling me by my full name in all your letters."

"That's not true," she rejoined. "In my most recent letter to you, I had addressed you as Ji-gongzi—in accordance with etiquette—haven't I?"

"Oh, you mean the love letter?"

"Love letter?" she blurted out, searching him with confused eyes.

"Your love letter where you had written a forlorn love poem about an orchid that was in full bloom, yet at the same time recognised its fate of wilting while awaiting for someone to admire its beauty. Aren't you that orchid? The homophone of your name means orchid and you were reminding me of our engagement—so, I put two and two together and hurried back to marry you."

"Heavens—I didn't mean for it to be interpreted that way!"

"Ah." Ji Chiyan smiled and raised an inquisitive brow.

"I really didn't mean it that way," Su Rulan repeated with strong insistence.

"Sure, I believe you." Ji Chiyan shrugged and started to walk off towards the master bedchamber. After a few steps, he paused and turned back to look at a stunned Su Rulan. "Are you still going to stand in the middle of the garden and bask under the moonlight? Don't you want to me to satisfy your curiosity about the Ji family's secret?"

"Yes!" Su Rulan recovered herself to exclaim. "Wait for me—don't hurry off on your own."

"I won't; but first, let me warn you that explaining everything to you will take all night."

"No worries, I'm already prepared for that."

*** END ***

Author's Note: 

We have come to the end of this side story featuring Ji Kai's ancestors. I'll be moving on to continue writing other books, before returning to this universe to finish writing the other prequel which I had mentioned previously. 

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