First Meeting

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You were walking with your friend F/n to the cafeteria, arguing.

"No, Mech X-4 is clearly remote controlled! There's probably a whole console of buttons used to operate all the cool attacks," F/n claimed. 

"But that just proves my point! If Mech X-4 has a control panel, someone has to run that control panel. Which means there's a pilot. Which also means Cassidy's pilot theory is right and someone out there is protecting our lives. Like a superhero!"

You then fell silent, noticing a guy staring at you, smiling proudly to himself.  

When he realized you saw him, a look of panic entered his face. You raised an eyebrow at him, making eye contact.

He quickly turned away, opening his locker so he wouldn't have to hold the eye contact any longer than needed. 

There was nothing you loved more than going to the arcade. You went there every Saturday.

You arrived at 11am, and normally staying until 3pm. You always made sure you played every single game in the arcade before you left. 
That time you were there, a new game had made its way into the arcade. It was a two-player shooting game.

You really wanted to play it, but you didn't know anyone who could be your Player 2.

You were seemingly the only one in the arcade. 

You groaned in annoyance, clenching your fist(s). "Man, this is a bust! I really wanted to play this!" 

That's when a voice from behind caught you off guard. "I could be your P2, if you want. It looks like a cool game." 

You turned around to see a guy with messy brown hair covered by a hat. "Uh, sure. If you want. I have the tokens for it."
"Alright, cool. I'm Spyder." 

"Y/n," you said nonchalantly, putting the tokens in to start the game. 

You kept your eyes down at the schedule in your hands, occasionally looking up to see if you noticed the number of your next class.

It was your first day at Bay City High, and you were extremely lost. 

The office lady had only given you your schedule, not a map.

Though even if you had a map, it wouldn't help you figure out where you were going.

The school was so big, it would of been impossible to understand a map. 

You sighed heavily, looking down at that paper for the room number again.

"Come on," you mumbled to yourself. "Room 207, where the hell are you?" You groaned, leaning against a locker. 

"Lost?" a voice piped. 

You turned to see a cute guy in a sports jacket. "Uh, yeah. Kind of. My old school wasn't nearly this big." 

The guy chuckled. "What class do you have?"

"Uh, 207. Mr. Peterson?" 

"My class is right next door. Here, I'll lead the way. I'm Mark, by the way." 

"Thanks. I'm Y/n." 

When your science teacher had suggested getting a tutor, you were offended at first. You were passing their class with a C.

But then you realized you were only a couple digits off from failing, and most of that was because you didn't understand the material. 

So, you signed up for after school tutoring for Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

When you stepped into the tutoring room that first Wednesday, you realized you had never checked to see who your tutor was. 

So you just looked around the room in confusion, until...

"Y/n L/n?" a voice called. 

"Uh, right here," you awkwardly answered, turning to the source of the voice.

A kid who looked like a freshman was seated at the table. 

"You have got to be kidding me," you muttered under your breath before sitting down. 

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