He Realizes He Likes You

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He had been eating dinner with his mom and Mark, non-stop talking about the fun time he had with you at the skatepark. It was starting to annoy the crap out of Mark. 

"Okay, we get it, Ry!" Mark exclaimed, clearly aggravated. "You had fun with your little girlfriend. You don't have to tell every detail!" 

Ryan fell silent at his older brother's outburst. He stayed silent for a few moments before commenting, "she's not my girlfriend." 
"She may as well be with as much as you talk about her," Mark retorted with a roll of his eyes, stabbing his fork into his piece of ham. "It's obvious you like her," he added on, shoving his mouth full. 

"As a friend!" Ryan instantly argued, only to fall silent again when he realized he didn't agree with the words that flew from his own mouth.

He didn't like you as a friend. It was so much more than that. 
And Mark was the one who helped him realize that. 

"You look nice," Spyder commented as you walked in dressed up all fancy.

You didn't normally dress like that, especially not when hanging out at an arcade. 

"Thanks," you replied with a laugh. "I have a date." 
Spyder's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

He was shocked. You had a date? 

In the midst of the sudden thoughts clouding his mind, Spyder Johnson realized he had feelings for Y/n L/n. 

You were in Mark's car, riding downtown.

The radio was blaring your favorite song. The windows were down, wind blowing in your face.

You were soaking it all in, scream-singing along to every word with the biggest smile on your face. 

Mark glanced over at you when he reached a red light.

You looked so perfect, like an angel freed from their burdens. a 

It was in that moment that he realized he liked you more than a friend. 

Your car was in the shop, so Harris insisted on walking you home.

You argued with him about it for a couple minutes before giving in. 

The walk home was nice.

You had an ongoing conversation that switched topics on multiple occasions.  

When you reached your house, you let the conversation die out.

"Well, this is it," you announced, fidgeting with one of the straps of your backpack. "Thanks for walking me home. You didn't have to, you know. It's not like we're dating." 
"I wanted to ensure you got home safely. And look, you did." 

You shrugged. "I guess so. Thanks again. See you at school?"   

"Yeah. See you tomorrow. Bye, Y/n," he said before heading towards his own home, his mind lingering on your comment about dating.

What if you were dating?

Harris realized he would really like that because he really likes you. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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