Getting To Know Each Other

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You kept catching that guy stealing glances at you, long after the first time.

You didn't know what his deal was, and it was beginning to bother you.

So, you confronted him one day, in the lunchroom. 

You had walked up to his table, a non-readable expression on your face.

"What the hell is your problem?" you snapped, getting right to the point.

You didn't care that his friends were right there. You just wanted to put this guy in his place. 

Unfortunately, your plan backfired.

He smiled at you, pulling off a nice guy act. And even more unfortunately, he looked super attractive doing this.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Wanna sit?" 

You didn't know why, but you ended up sitting there, after all. You sat there getting to know the guy, who's name was apparently Ryan.

The two of you talked and talked, completely forgetting the presence of Ryan's friends. 


Getting to know Spyder came naturally and casually.

You spent most of the game at the arcade conversing. It was mainly small talk, but it eventually got to shared interests and hobbies.

After the game, you two stuck together the rest of your time there. 

It ended with the two of you exchanging numbers. 

Mark had been kind enough to help you make your way to the rest of your classes throughout the day.

While passing period was only five minutes each, this gave you time to get to know each other. 

You learned that he was the star player of the basketball team.

His schedule was constantly booked because of the time he spent making sure he kept his reputation.

And what time he did have open, he normally spent it with his little brother Ryan, who was a freshman. 

You had found that last bit cute, but didn't admit that out loud. 

Mark learned about why you moved to Bay City, what extracurriculars you were interested in taking, and what you liked to do in your free time. 

In just one day, you had a pretty good understanding of each other.

Something told you this was the start to a beautiful friendship. 


You eventually found yourself warming up to your freshman tutor.

While Harris was a total nerd, he was good at helping you understand the material.

He was also really nice.

He would check in on you before every lesson. And at the end of every lesson, he would walk you outside of the school, making sure you got to your car safely. 

Whenever you finished what you were working on, you two would talk. 

You were becoming fast friends, even if you didn't understand a lot of the sciencey stuff he talked about. 

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